Nagülan snorted behind him. Remember, you cannot see them. They can see you. You probably will not be able to hear them either. Nothing but your sense of smell and what you can pick up with your mind.

Dane knew. He also knew that one of the seven outside had a rifle. It would slow him down considerably if he got shot. That wolf would have to be taken out first. He went over the plan with the elf both agreeing to the course of action.

Nagülan got into position, hiding in the shadows. Dane wondered if the elf could reverse the math for aiming at the sharp shooter on the roof. Dane would be sending the elf info based upon what the wolf with the rifle was seeing, so the elf had to reverse all that data to get his own shot. The elf nicked his arrow, two more held loosely to follow.

It was Dane's turn to snort. The elf didn't want to use a gun. But he got ready. As soon as the rifle was down, all hell would break loose.

The first arrow was shot. The firing of a gun was heard from a distance and shortly after the second then third arrows were shot. The bullet shot tore up the first arrow but, was altered enough in its trajectory that the second and third arrows got by without being touched. Dane pulled Nagülan out of the way just as the bullet pierced and tore up the floor where Nagülan had been kneeling. The blow would not have been fatal but, it would have put the elf out of commision for the rest of the fight. And, damnit, Dane needed him.

Dane felt the wolf with the rifle get shot with both arrows. Damn, Nagülan was good. The second arrow to hit was aimed actually lower, effectively hitting the wolf between the legs right in his testicles. Fuck, that hurt! Dane immediately pulled his consciousness out of that wolf. He didn't want to feel that. He rubbed himself to get rid of the phantom pain. Nagülan laughed at him.

The grunts from that wolf were enough to pull the other six wolves out of their hiding spots. Although why they were hiding only meant they didn't trust the warlock and his spell. Nagülan's direct hit also tripped up their confidence in the spell.

Nagülan had explained that the spell worked best when those existing in the spell believed that it worked. The more the two of them could errode the wolves' assurances, the less effective the spell. Okay. Dane had decided to go with it.

And, now the scent of the rest of the six wolves were more apparent.

Dane moved quickly down the stairs, touching only one step before heading straight towards the only other wolf with a gun. He grabbed the gun out of the stunned wolf's hands then grabbed his head and twisted it. Then using his claws he ripped it completely off. Blood spurted everywhere. Dane could feel it covering his arms, his shirt and jeans, and dripping onto his boots.

Splurt. Splurt. Glug. Glug. Glug.

He looked down and, the headless body was on the ground in front of him. He kicked it. Towards the five other wolves. The head was still in his hands, the blood no longer spurting but merely pouring out in long drops.

The five wolves stopped moving.

Suddenly, Dane could hear their heartbeats. Huh.

White Roses:  A Continuation of Lana_sky's Short Story 'Without Thorns'Where stories live. Discover now