Chapter 4

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A/N: I feel like this chapter might expose more questions than it answers. Just a reminder that each chapter is dedicated to Lana_sky as this story is based upon her vision Without Thorns, a short story that you can find on her profile page.


Chapter Four

The winds swirled around the trees. Yellow circles from the street lights and a soft glow from the surrounding buildings the only illumination around. The recent rains made the turning leaves look like tiny reflectors. Puddles on the cement walkways rippled in the wind, scattering the shattered reflections of street lamps.

The humid warmth of the air reminded Dane of that night. The night he lost his wife. The two year anniversary had just passed. Memories flooded in, memories he didn't want. He looked down at the werewolves below him. It had been the same that night, too. He'd had to protect her from the city's pack. They had smelled him and followed them out of the restaurant only to confront them in the park. The wolves had not just wanted him to join the pack, they had insisted on it. But he was no fool, the city pack's alpha was notorious. Not only was the pack into selling drugs and humans like they were chattel, the alpha had pushed older pack members into servitude, forcing them into situations where if there was any danger from human laws, they were the sacrificial lambs. Dane had no desire to be a lamb led to the slaughter. And he certainly didn't want to allow his wife into a life of slavery.

He'd killed the two wolves in man form that night and his wife walked out on him the next morning. Looking at the three wolves below him, he guessed they finally figured out who killed their pack members. Dane couldn't figure out why else the alpha would want him dead. If that were the case, then the situation was more dire than he had originally anticipated back in the bar.

Dane motioned to the elf. Nagülan leaned in.

“Looks like they're about to find us. They really only want me; so, you don't have to get involved. I can take care of this. If you want, you can stay up here 'til I subdue the first two then, when I'm dealing with the last one, you can run back to the bar and I'll meet you there, maybe ten minutes later.”

Nagülan laughed, his mahogany hair blowing freely in the wind. “You are very cocky, wolf. And, you dishonor me by suggesting that I would run and hide. It would be unworthy of me. Plus, I would like very much to see you dispense with three wolves in ten minutes.” The elf's blue eyes twinkled in merriment.

Dane grumbled. “I said one wolf in ten minutes. And, there is no reason for you to get involved with my fight. I wouldn't want to get you killed before I had a chance to get what I need from you.”

The elf's merriment was not diminished. “You might be surprised. Maybe upon seeing me, these three wolves will run and hide from the terror that is known in these lands from my excellent fighting skills.”

Dane scoffed but, was pleased non-the-less. At least he could keep an eye on the elf and not have to run after him later hoping he hadn't been abandoned.

“Tell me, why are these wolves after you?” It was not a question, more of a demand.

White Roses:  A Continuation of Lana_sky's Short Story 'Without Thorns'Where stories live. Discover now