"Has Anyone Ever Told You That You're A Bit Of A Drama Queen?"

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Sirius's P.O.V.

I knew that my grades had been getting worse. I had always been bright, I'll admit that I wasn't top of the class, but I was always one of the better students.

Or course, my parents had never known this, all they cares about was what house I was in, who I was bothering with, anything that would go against the social norm for a stuck up pureblood family.

I could still remember my first year at Hogwarts, little twelve year old Sirius on the train back to London, along with James, Pete and Remus.

They had all asked me why I was so quiet on the journey home, after all, quiet was definitely not my middle name. I hadn't wanted to say, I hadn't wanted them to tease me, but I was scared of going home.

What would my parents say? Seeing their little Gryffindor child. What would Regulus say? Would he no longer look up to me as his older brother?

Regulus had been the only reason I had stayed at number 12 Grimmauld place for so long. After being deemed the failed child, all responsibility fell onto Reg's shoulders, and I felt like I owed him for that.

He was the son my mother always wanted, Slytherin, perfect, but she didn't realise what is was doing to him.

I worried about Regulus when I first left, when I decided that I wasn't going to go back.

The worst part is, Regulus had been the only one to write, it was almost as though mother and father dearest hadn't even noticed that I was gone, and I guess that was what broke my heart the most.

These are the thoughts running through my head as Professor McGonagall calls me back after class.

I knew my grades had been slipping, I knew I hadn't been doing well, but it hadn't seemed the most important thing. Until now.

McGonagall had always looked after us. She knew about Remus, and ensured to go easy on him around the time of the full moon.

She knew our handwriting, but didn't say anything when I wrote Remus's homework for him, she pretended she didn't know. But she did.

She'd cover up for us and ensured that other pupils didn't find out.

And I was 100% sure she knew that we were all animagi.

Blondie gave me a strange look as she left the class room, as if to ask what was going on. I gave her a huge smile in return, she couldn't know that I was doing so badly.

It wasn't just transfiguration. I knew I was pretty good at transfiguration, after all, I had managed to transfigure myself into a damn dog! But being head of Gryffindor, McGonagall knew about my other subjects, knew how I was doing in other teachers lessons.

I waited for the last students to leave, gave a quick nod to James, telling him to go on without me.

I loved Remus and Peter like brothers, but James was family.

He had taken me in so many times, his parents had put up with me like their own son. The first time I went to the Potter's I had knocked over a salt shaker. It smashed as it fell over, throwing pieces of glass and salt all over the table.

I immediately apologised, tears brimming my eyes, worry clouding my head, as I cut my fingers, trying to pick up all the pieces of glass.

"I...I'll fix it." I mumbled, pulling out my wand.

Euphemia Potter gently clasped my hand.

"It's only a salt shaker dear." She said, with warm eyes and a gentle smile.

I compared her reaction to my mother's, when I had once broken a vase at home, she had gone nuts, but the Potter's were always so welcoming and kind.

Once everyone had left the classroom I slowly made my way to McGonagall's desk, my satchel weighing a tonne on my shoulder and my head hung low.

"Mr Black, as I'm sure you already know, your grades have been falling drastically." She said, a stern look in her eye.

I couldn't face her. I couldn't explain.

"I know. I'm sorry." Was all I could manage to say.

"You are failing almost every class, but I'm glad to see you're not failing mine." She replied, with a sense of pride that I was doing well in her class. Well, better than I was doing in my other ones.

"Are you going to expel me? Or make me take extra classes?" I said, worry evident in my shaky voice.

I didn't have much time to myself as it was, extra classes were sure to tip me over the edge. And I couldn't be expelled.

I couldn't expect the Potter's to let me live with them all year, and there was no way I could go back to Grimmauld place. I couldn't go back there, I'd rather live on the streets.

I couldn't buy a house, I had no money, and now that I had left home, I'm guessing I wouldn't be inheriting anything when my parents finally popped their clogs.

"I'm not going to do either of those things Sirius... I know your grades are disappointing but-"

"Yeah, well I'm just a major disappointment aren't I?!"

Tears brimmed my eyes. I was such a weakling, Sirius, from the stupid noble house of Black, blubbering over the thought of being expelled.

McGonagall quietly gave me a tissue which I used to wipe my eyes.

"Thanks." I whispered, my voice thick.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're a bit of a drama queen?" She asked, eye brows raised in amusement.

I laughed a little at this.

"Yep! All the time!" Said a voice from behind me.

I quickly swiveled around and was met with James, Peter and Remus, standing in the doorway.

I smiled weakly at them. They had stayed. They were always here for me when I needed them most.

"Mr Potter has informed me of the events that have occurred over the summer, it is my understanding that you are no longer living at number 12 Grimmauld place?" She asked, a hint of sympathy in her eyes.

Yes, a hint of sympathy from McGonagall.

The memories flooded my mind, threatening to break my voice if I attempted to speak to I just nodded in response.

"Well thank Merlin for that!" She said, a smile breaking out on her face.

I looked at her in confusion, before turning to look at my best friends behind me.

"It was about time you left that wretched household." She added, peering at me from over the top of her glasses.

I smiled. I did have people who cared about me. I didn't need my parents.

She waved towards the door.

"That will be all Mr Black."

"Thank you professor." I said with a smile before heading to the door.

I was met by the grins of my best friend, and strong hug from James.

"Oh, and Mr Black?"

I turned around to the old witch sitting at her desk. I was glad to end up in Gryffindor after all.

"There's a difference between failing and being a failure. You're a bright student, I know your grades will improve soon. Have a great Christmas, and I expect hard work when you get back."

After all, help will always be given at Hogwarts for those who ask for it.

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