"I'm A Pureblood, Not A Social Moron."

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Sirius had told me to meet him in the courtyard after dinner.

Before we had gone down to dinner, Lily had been very excitable and had stuffed me into some fluffy boots which she had said were 'very cute' and had yet again done my makeup for me.

I felt his eyes on me as I sat down at the table in the great hall opposite him.

I glanced over and smiled, and my suspicions were confirmed when I caught his eyes raking over me.

"Quit staring." Remus mumbled, gently nudging him. It was quiet, but not quiet enough for me not to hear it. My cheeks lit up in return and I began to tuck into my food.

Since we had made up, Sirius and I's friendship had really changed from that of what it was before. The kissing, the flirting, the staring. I wasn't used to it... But I wasn't complaining.

"Hi." I whispered, while everyone was chatting away and tucking into their food.

He winked at me in return, with a mouthful of food.

Although Sirius was from a pureblood family, dressing like a muggleborn must have been his way of rebelling against his parents. It now made sense to me why he wore the extreme black jeans and biker leather jacket.

It suited him. Remus or Peter must have taught him about muggle clothes.

"Staring blondie?" He quipped, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head and scowled at him in return.

After we had had our food, Lily and I and the four boys started walking out of the hall.

"This way blondie." He said, linking his arm through mine.

James, Remus and Peter started to tease him while Lily just watched me with amusement. We separated from them and headed down the deserted corridor.

"Are you taking me down here to murder me?" I asked, looking around at the ghostly cold corridor.

He laughed before pulling me behind a statue of an old witch. He tapped it and murmured something and to my surprise, her back opened and we stepped inside.

"It's dark!" I squealed as soon as the door shut.

I pulled out my wand, but Sirius beat me to it, casting a quick lumos, illuminating the hallway with a dim blue light.

"Where are we?" I asked, clinging onto him.

"This secret passageway will lead us to Hogsmeade, don't worry." He said, stroking my hair.

I pulled him arm off quickly.

"Excuse me, I am not a dog." I said, pretending to be offended.

I hadn't seen Snuffles for a while. It had been too cold and rainy to go sit under the tree much, and the few rare times that I had, he hadn't shown up. I was starting to get a little worried about him. What if something happened to him in the forbidden forest? He always seems to go in there.

A little while later, we ended up in a basement. Sirius quickly covered our tracks before we climbed the steps and I realised that we were actually in the three broomsticks.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. How had nobody ever found this out before?

"How did you find out about this?" I asked him.

"I spend a lot of my spare time looking for secret passageways in the castle." He admitted with a laugh.

We approached the bar. The three broomsticks was pretty empty, it's usually full of school pupils but as today was not a Hogsmeade visiting day, there were only two other people sat in the corner.

"You go find a table, I'll get the butterbeers." He told me.

I found a small table in the corner with two seats and instantly sat down there. I took off my coat and draped it over the chair as the fire was warming up the room.

Soon, Sirius came over with the two butterbeers in his hands. He set one down in front of me before taking a large sip from his.

After a while, he spoke.

"So blondie. Tell me about you."

"What would you like to know?" I replied.

Tell me about yourself was such a horrid question. There were so many countless answers.


I thought for a second.

"I went to a muggle primary school."

"What's a primary school?"

"It's school for ages three to eleven."

He nodded in return, taking another sip from his butterbeer.

"I have a question."

His eyes darted up to mine, intrigued by what I was about to ask.

"Why do you call me blondie?"

"Because you're blonde." He stated.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm being serious."

"Well you're not doing a very good impression then."

Sirius. Serious. Sirius.

"Ha. Ha. Ha." I said sarcastically.

"Okay then, why the leather jacket?"

"Is this twenty one questions?"

"How do you know what twenty one questions is?"

"I'm a pureblood, not a social moron."

I smiled a little. We were getting on well. It was almost back to normal. Almost.

I took a large sip of my butterbeer. I wasn't really a huge fan of butterbeer, with it's mix of sweet and bitter taste, it left an odd feeling on my tongue.

After a little while, I glanced at my watch. It was 8pm and darkness filled the world outside the windows.

"We should probably be heading back." I said, hanging my head in disappointment. 

I had really enjoyed myself tonight. I had really enjoyed my time with Sirius.

As we reached the Gryffindor common room, he stopped and turned to me.

"We should... Umm... We should do this again some tine." He said, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. It wasn't like Sirius to look nervous.

"I really enjoyed tonight." I said, pushing myself up onto my tip toes to press a soft kiss to his cheek.

I saw him inhale and bite his lip. Had I made him nervous?

Had I actually made Sirius Black nervous?

We were greeted by Lily, James, Remus and Peter in the common room.

"How did it go?" Lily whispered in my ear as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Better than I thought it would." I laughed.

After saying good night to Sirius and the rest of them, Lily and I headed up to our dorms. She wanted to know all the details but we both knew better than to talk about it in front of Marlene after what had happened between Sirius and her.

I went to sleep with a smile on my face that night, for the first night in a while.

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