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25,000 reads? This is insane!! Right, I know you're all gonna hate me after this chapter because sadly, this story has come to an end. It's taken me forever to post this because I wanted a grand ending to my story but then I realized that this ending was more fitting with how the rest of the story has developed.

Also, I've started writing a new story, the first chapter should be posted in the next couple of days so keep your eyes peeled (not literally!)

And finally, I just wanted to say thank you thank you thank you so much to each and every individual who has read this story, voted, commented, stuck by it through thick and thin, this book has helped me make so many new friends, and you're all such amazing people!

Anyway, enough of my rambling, please enjoy the final chapter...

Six Years Later

War doesn't care about sides, about who lives and who dies. In the grand scheme of things, it's just a game, and we're all pawns.

But I suppose, in the grand scheme of things, war itself is just a pawn, because once it's over, life continues, life doesn't stop, time doesn't stop to mourn those left behind from either side.

"Sirius come quick! Harry just said his first word!"

I heard his footsteps, heavy as he came running down the stairs. We had become much like parents to Harry after that unspeakable day on October 31st 1981, when I had lost my best friend and Sirius had lost his.

But our losses would never compare to  that of Harry's, which we tried to minimise, by being his godparents and taking him in.

"What was it?" He asked, the door flying open and Sirius sliding across the carpet until he was sat inches away from Harry.

Harry giggled and Sirius ruffled his dark hair.

"Go on Harry, say it again."

"Suffle." He mumbled, giggling.

Sirius looked at me.

"Snuffles." I told him.

"Snuffles." Harry repeated a little unclearly.

Sirius gulped, his throat moving as he tried to swallow this great feat, his eyes sparkling as he  lifted Harry and cuddled him close.

I had never seen myself as the type to have children, let alone to adopt, but war had changed us all, forced us to grow up a lot faster than we would have otherwise.

After school, the order continued, the war continued, and we all needed somewhere safe to stay. James and Lily and Sirius and I bought neighboring houses in the small village of Godric's Hollow, but after the defeat of Voldemort and the death of our best friends, Sirius and I couldn't bear to overlook their scorched, ruined house and be reminded of what had taken place there.

We moved to the countryside, nobody knew us and nobody asked questions. All they saw was a young couple with a baby, and they accepted it, things were just easier that way.

Harry whizzed around the room on his toy broom which Sirius had bought him for his first birthday a few months ago, his face alight with happiness and the air filled with his bubbling laughter.

Sirius placed an arm around my shoulders, something which still gave me butterflies, even after almost seven years, and I looked up at him and smiled.

His messy black hair was falling into his eyes so I lifted my hand and swept it away.

"I need to cut this soon." I said, tugging on a lock playfully.

He laughed and caught Harry as he came flying off the end of his broom.

"What are you up to eh Harry?" He asked, sitting him down on his lap.

I watched him as he played with Harry, tickling him and talking to him, and just making him smile. Then I noticed they were both watching me.

"Not listening again is she?" He whispered to Harry, making him smile an open mouthed smile, his two front teeth sticking out a little.

"Sorry." I laughed, shaking my head.

"I said I don't think the surname 'Archer' suits you very much." He laughed, standing up and walking across the room to put Harry in his high chair.

"Really?" I asked, crossing my legs. "And what makes you think that?" I added, peering up at him as he made his way over to me.

He lowered himself to the ground and mirrored my position cross legged on the carpet.

"You want to know what would be better?" He asked playfully, a glint sparkling in his silver eyes.

I nodded, humoring him.

"Seren Black." He whispered, reaching into the pocket of his jeans and pulling out a box.

My jaw dropped open, my mind so numb I didn't even register nodding my head and him taking my cold hand in his large warm one and sliding the ring up my finger.

I stared at him in shock.

"Stop it blondie." He said, nudging my shoulder.

"Shut up Mr Black." I retorted, watching my hand move, still not quite believing that what had happened only moments before had actually happened.

"So do I still call you blondie or would you prefer Mrs Black now?" He asked, cocking his head slightly to the left.

"Blondie. Old habits die hard." I whispered.

"Okay blondie." He replied with a playful smile.

And all was well.

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