"Let's make a deal."

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The next morning I was awoken by the sound of footsteps down in the common room. I sat up and noticed that Lily was already awake, her face mirroring the same confused look that I had.

I checked my watch that I had left next to my bed. There was still an hour until the great hall opened for breakfast, who would be making such a noise this early?

We shared a look, knowing what the other was thinking and slowly, quietly headed towards the door which lead down to the common room. Lily slowly opened the door so that it would not creak and we crept down to the common room.

"No, Moony! Listen to me!" I heard James shout as we descended the stairs. 

"I am! I am listening bu-"

Suddenly, the cold wooden steps beneath my bare feet made a creaking sound and Remus stopped speaking.

Lily turned and glared at me.

"Who's there?" I heard Sirius ask. There was no point hiding now, they knew we were here.

Lily and I walked down into the common room to see Sirius and James holding Remus down while Peter sat on an armchair, nervously chewing his fingernails. 

"Evans." Potter said, smirking a little at Lily.

"Potter, it really would be appreciated if you kept your voice down and allowed us to sleep." She retaliated, yawning a little to prove her point.

"What are you doing down here anyway?" She asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at them.

"Nothing!" Sirius and James commented too quickly, making it plainly obvious that they were definitely up to something.

We stared at them for a few moments, hoping that they would spill, but when it was obvious that they would not, we returned to our dorm.

"We may as well get  up now anyway." Lily said, obviously frustrated by being woken up early.

I quickly showered and braided my hair before heading down to the great hall with Lily. We were some of the first students down there, along with James, Sirius, Remus and Peter, who arrived not too long after us and annoyingly decided to sit opposite us.

I wasn't too bothered myself, the fact that they bothered Lily bothered me more than anything, and by 'they' I mean James.


Lily ignored him.


She ignored him again.

"Evans! Evans! Evans! EVANS!" 

"What?!" She snapped.

"I've got your attention."


James sighed and looked down at the table.

I struggled to hold back a giggle. This had been going on for the last couple of years, it was very unlikely that Lily was going to fall for him.

I felt someone kick me under the table, I looked up, it was Sirius Black.

"Hey." I said, frowning at him.

"What?" He asked, as though he didn't do it.

I didn't think I had been laughing that loudly.

First lesson, Lily and I had ancient runes, luckily the four boys hadn't taken ancient runes, James even decided to comment on how 'fabulously boring' it is as we left the breakfast table.

Lily seemed relieved as soon as we got away from them.

"First day back and he's already driving you insane?" I questioned.

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