"Please Just Look At Me."

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It was late. Very late.

I quietly reached over to my bedside cabinet, feeling around for my wand. I knocked over my glass of water and it fell to the floor with a loud crash.

I swiftly found my wand and peered around the room, dark, except for the hint of moonlight coming through the window next to my bed.

Somehow I had managed not to wake anyone.

I quickly cleaned up the water and pieces of broken glass before heading towards the door.

"Lumos." I whispered, as I began heading down the stairs.

In an instant, my feet fell from underneath me, and I was sliding.

I was sliding on an icy glass slide but before I had time to comprehend it, I was on my arse on the floor of the common room.

I frowned and looked behind me, yes, the stairs had turned to a slide.

That's when I heard laughing.

I looked up to see James, Remus, Peter, and last but not least, Sirius. They were all rolling around laughing. Had this been their idea of payback?

"That was actually pretty fun. Thanks guys." I said, climbing to my feet and dusting myself off.

They all stopped laughing and frowned at me.

"It wasn't meant to be f-fun." Stammered Peter.

I laughed. Their prank had backfired.

My laughing rang out throughout the room, but the rest of them were silent. I looked up to see all their eyes on me, but the ones that unsettled me the most were a pair of stormy grey ones, belonging to none other than Sirius Black.

I looked at him and he looked back. It was such a strong gaze that I didn't notice the other boys begin to slip away towards the seat in front of the fire.

"Blondie." He began.

"Sirius." I replied.

We hadn't looked, hadn't touched, hadn't talked, nothing, in over a month.

It felt so strange and so intimidating to be in his presence.

"We umm... We should talk." He said, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck whilst looking down at the floor.

A moment ago he was staring at me, and now he can't even look at me?

My mind was racing. There were a million thoughts a minute and all of them were screaming no, telling me to run, telling me not to listen. But I did the opposite of what my mind was telling me.

"Okay." I whispered. It was all that I could manage.

He looked different. His hair had grown and he was currently supporting a bit of stubble, something that I had never seen on him before but it somehow suited him.

He stayed quiet and I nodded at him, urging him to speak.

"I didn't have this planned. I didn't expect you to say yes." He admitted and it took effort for me not to smile.

I kept a neutral expression and waited for him to begin.

"I'm sorry." He said, his eyes soft and pleading.

I had to look away, his eyes were drawing me in and threatening to get rid of any resolve I was currently holding on to.

I nodded, keeping my eyes fixed on the floor beneath me.

"So that's it? We're just going to continue like this?" He asked, his voice threatening to break on his last word.

"Sirius... You broke my heart." I admitted.

The Marauders: PadfootOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz