"I Know A Way."

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When I awoke the next morning, I thought that it had all been a dream, but any doubts were thrown out of the window when Lily and I headed down to the common room and were met with Sirius, James, Peter and Remus.

"Did you get our frosty little surprise?" Lily asked James, failing to hide her smile.

"Shut up Evans." He said, smashing a snowball into her hair.

She stood there in shock as I laughed, and James and the others ran out of the common room.

She shook her head, spraying snow everywhere before we headed down to the great hall for breakfast.

I wasn't sure how things were going to be between Sirius and I, after all, we hadn't spoken in over a month, and then last night he revealed his biggest secret to me... And we kissed... A lot.

"Where shall we sit?" Lily asked me, as we entered the hall.

"Opposite the boys?" I offered. We had sat opposite them every day up until Sirius and I had fallen out, since then we had avoided them.

I hadn't told Lily what had happened last night. I hadn't got the chance, but I would later.

"But what about Sirius?" She asked, looking at me with confusion.

"We've sorted things out. I'll explain everything afterwards."

We took our place on the wooden bench at the table and I instantly picked up a bagel.

I felt someone's foot nudge mine under the table and I nudged it back, before looking up and smiling, meeting the eyes of Sirius Black.

What were we? What was happening? Were we friends now? No, Seren, friends don't kiss each other.

I didn't want to be anyone's friends with benefits. I made a mental note to speak to Sirius about it later.

We ate our breakfast mostly in silence. Just as Lily and I were about to leave to go to ancient runes, I felt someone grab my wrist. Lily didn't realise I had stopped so she continued walking.

I followed the hand, then the arm, which linked onto the body of Sirius Black.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Seven o'clock. You know where." He said, winking at me, before I rolled my eyes and ran to catch up with Lily who was already out of the door.


"I cannot believe you. Seren, the biggest virgin I've ever met, having a steamy snogging session with Sirius Black." She exclaimed.

"Keep your voice down." I hissed, elbowing her, and checking around the classroom to make sure that nobody had heard.

"You surprise me more and more everyday."

I continued to translate what was written on the large blackboard at the front of the class.

"I'm meeting him tonight, at seven." I told her.

She gasped.

"Use protection."

I elbowed her again and she gasped, before throwing a wink in my direction.

"It's not like that." I told her.

"You're talking about Sirius Black here." She reminded me.

He was used to having willing girls. What if I couldn't live up to his expectations?

All day I was worried about bumping into Sirius, luckily we didn't have transfiguration or I would definitely not been able to avoid him.

When seven o'clock finally rolled around, I was a bag of nerved.

"Go get 'em tiger!" Lily said, in her best American accent. She had been watching too much American TV and was starting to pick up on some of their sayings.

I chewed my lip nervously and she gave me a look, as though to scald me.

"Go!" She said, gesturing towards the door.


"No buts! You're going to be late!" She exclaimed, pushing me out of the door.

She had done my makeup. Only subtly, as makeup isn't really my thing, but she had said that it was the right thing to do for this occasion.

I rushed down to the room of requirement and found him sitting on the stage when I opened the door.

"Hi." I said, rushing in.

He stood up and walked towards me.

"Hi." He replied.

"Hi." I said nervously and he laughed. Yes, he laughed.

I walked over to the stage and we both sat down in silence.

"So?" I asked him. He had invited me here, he must have had a reason or a plan.

"I just... Wanted to see you." He said shyly, biting his lip.

Courage took over and I leaned towards him and pulled his lip out of his mouth with my thumb.

He stiffened and I instantly regretted it.


"Don't apologise." He said, his eyes fixated on mine.

I bit my lip as the nerves began to kick in.

"Don't bite your lip." He said,

My mind clambered for a response.


"Just don't. Or I'll have to make you stop." He said, causing all the air to leave my lungs.

"How about we duel or something?" I asked, in a sad attempt to change the subject.

He laughed before getting to his feet.

"Sounds like a plan." He said, reaching his hand out to help me up.

I took it, and was surprised by the jolts of electricity it caused to spark through me.

Being away from Sirius for so long and then being in such close proximity was doing strange things to me. My heart was beating so loud that I was almost sure that he could hear it.

It was hard to focus while we were dueling, then a certain memory came to mind. 

My patronus.

Did I tell him? He would have questions, want to know what memory caused it. I decided I would tell him soon, but not yet. After all, we had only been friends a day, and things weren't quite the same as they used to be.

I was sure we'd get there evntually, and my little secret could wait until then.

I had been practising up in the dorms any chance I was alone, making sure that I didn't forget it. 

I wondered why my patronus was a swan. What did it mean? What did it represent? I wasn't a huge fan of swans, don't get me wrong, they're okay, but when I used to go to the park with my parents, they'd always chase me and try to bite me so I don't have the best experiences with them.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" He asked, tapping my temple.

"I'm just thinking." I mumbled.

"I've been thinking too. Would you like to go to Hogsmeade tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? It's Wednesday tomorrow, it's not a Hogsmeade weekend."

"I know a way."

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