Michael's POV

After dropping Siggy off at daycare it's time to go meet Julie at the hostpital for the next baby scan.

"I wasn't expecting a huge audience" Julie comments seeing Enid and Brandi with us. "We're just baby sitting today" I explain "getting some practice in before the big day, huh?" She chuckles "I really don't think this is an appropriate place for a baby" Enid comments about to take Brandi from me "I should just take her outside and.."

"What are you talking about?" I frown confused "we're gonna find out what the baby is today!" I coo excitedly making her giggle. "I guess Brandi would like to see her new cousin slash niece or nephew" Enid mumbles sarcastically an Jackie frowns at her not saying anything. "Does she really have to be in here? I feel kind of uncomfortable having a stranger in the room" Julie says. "Fine we'll wait outside.. Jackie?" She looks at him confused "Actually I'm gonna stay here. I wanna see what their having"

"But they can tell you if you have a grandson or daughter slash neice or nephew when their done" she says sarcastically. "Can you just wait outside please?" Faith cuts in, pissed by her comment.

"Fine by me" she shrugs opening the door. "Jackie?"

"I'm gonna stay. I wanna see what their having" he mumbles. "But they can tell you when their done" she frowns

"Or... You could just wait outside" Julie cuts in. "I completely understand it's hard for you seeing your husband with the woman and child that were his first choice, but this is a private family moment" she smirks and me and Faith stand akwardly not knowing what to do. I know Enid has been saying bitchy comments too, but what Julie just said was really below the belt and we do want to say something to Julie, but she is giving us her baby and we really don't want to piss her off and have her change her mind. "Are you just gonna let her talk to me like that!?" Enid frowns and Jackie. "We'll be 10 minutes.. if that" he mumbles and Enid gives him an evil stare then storms out of the room. "I hope it wasn't something I said" Julie says pretending to act innocent. "she's fine" I smile at her through pursed lips. "Great! Ok let's see what you guys are having" she smiles excitedly and turns to the nurse, who's been stood akwardly this whole time waiting to start the scan.

Jackie's POV

After the scan is done. I go out into the hall to talk to Enid while Faith and Michael are talking with Julie and the nurse.

"What the fuck was that all about!?" I snap "You tell me!? How could you just stand there and let that woman talk to me like that!?" She snaps back. "Because first off you started with the bitchy comments and second. This is about Faith and Michael getting to see their child.. which in case you were wondering... which I doubt you was. is a girl"

"You still should have said something to her. Unless she's right and her and Faith are your first choice" she says sarcastically. "Your being ridiculous. I'm here to support my daughter and my brother and to see their baby and that's it!" I snap "you do realise how weird that sounds" she scrunches her face "I still don't like that their togther either, but nothing anybody does is gonna change that and I'm not getting into all that again now will you just drop it!" I snap and she opens her mouth to speak, but quickly change her mind when the other walk out of the room.

Faith's POV

After the hospital and taking Brandi to the doctors for her shots. We all make our way to the daycare to speak with Siggy teacher. "Do kids normally have parent teacher conferences at daycare?" Michael asks.

"She just wants to talk to speak to us about his behaviour" Jackie explains. "Behaviour? Siggy's good a gold" I frown confused "maybe when you two have seen him, but according to the teacher he's been miss behaving alot and being agressive" Enid cuts in. "That's impossible. Siggy's a shy kid. They obviously have the wrong kid" Michael shrugs. "Well just don't freak out like you did at the doctors" Jackie chuckles. "I didn't freak out" Michael shrugs casually "you kind of did. You were about to punch the doctor." I chuckle "The guy stabbed my baby niece in the butt!! What was I supposed to do?"

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