⚜️CHAPTER-28 The problem⚜️

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It was lucky that Alec and my son went out to visit her parents and tried to fix the misunderstanding between them. I already had a headache listening to Amanda's rant over Claire.
Her past relationships with Vladimir Orlov didn't go smoothly. It caused me a lot of pain.
Though it's been fixed, Amanda finds out that Claire was, in fact, married to Vladimir and was not yet divorced until now. I know Amanda sees something Claire hasn't seen, that is why she's pushing her only daughter to fix her relationship with Vladimir and mend their bonds.

It was around five o'clock in the afternoon when I checked on time. Looking at my wristwatch and then at my phone, I realized that my little kitten didn't even phone me yet. She's probably reconciled with her family. If it's then, I'm happy for her. All I ever wanted was for her and my sons, happiness. A knock in my room brings me out of my trance.
" Clyde, can Alexandria and Alexander make it for dinner?" Amanda asked.
" I don't know Amanda, I must call them now to know whether she will be here on time or not." I said to her,
" Alright then," Amanda stayed at the door waiting. I was supposed to dial her number when I saw her calling already. I excitedly picked it up, but I didn't hear her voice, just a rustling sound of wind.
Not only that, but I felt a cold chill go up from the end of my foot all the way to the back of my head.
When I finally hear her voice, she's not talking to me, but more on to somebody. I heard her heavy breathing, then a cracking sound of her sandals that were forcefully grinding on the cement, like she's struggling and being dragged. Then I heard her scream horrifyingly, it was then I heard a few different voices that belonged to a man. I wanted to scream and call my little kitten's name, but I held myself. I couldn't hear the voice of my parents' trusted bodyguard, and I had a terrible feeling that she's in big trouble. Furthermore, I can't take the risk I need to remain silent and calm. When I heard a metal clinging and my little kittens shouted my name, telling me she was being kidnaped, then a slapping sound could be heard on the other line. I didn't waste any more time. I know she's being hurt. Those metal sounds could be a chain or handcuff, whichever it is. And those slapping sounds could be a way of stopping her from making any more noise. My hand tightened the grip on my phone. Once I know who hurt her, I'll make them suffer before killing them all!
Amanda saw my strange reaction and she mouthed" What's wrong?" I covered the speaker of the phone and whispered to her.
" I need your phone, mom." I urgently said to her, she knows I only call her mom' if there's something really, really wrong. She quickly understood the situation and without asking further questions she handed me her phone. I dialed the number of the head-chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
One ring and I heard his baritone voice already.
" Mrs. Harlington? What a surprise! What can I do for you?" He chirped in.
" Good evening Mr. Howard, it's Clyde, I want you to track my wife's phone number. It's time-critical, and I need your force to help me find her." I said firmly to him on the phone, which made him react faster.
" Certainly Mr. Harlington right away!" he said before I cut the line. I saw Amanda's face go pale, but she rushed quickly outside to call my dad. One minute passed and my moms phone ring again.

" Yes, Mr. Howard, any news?" I asked urgently.
I felt my hands sweating from anticipation.
Dear God, pleased, I beg of you, don't let anything wrong happen to my wife. It is only now that I can finally be with them.
" Does the line still on, Mr. Harlington?"
" Yes. My wife was phoning me when the incident happened. So tell me now, have you tracked her location already?"
" We did, it's moving south. I sent my men to go there and save her. Don't worry, we will handle it well." he said, full of assurance in his voice.
I took a deep sigh.
" I'll come with your men. Please, make sure no harm will come to my wife." I pleaded with him.
" I'm guaranteeing you, Mr. Harlington, we will make it certain that she's fine."
" Thank you, Mr. Howard," I said, quite relieved.
" I'm Just doing my job, Mr. Harlington, no need to thank me. Ok, then I'll send my men to pick you up at the mansion."
" Yes please." After that the line was off.
I quickly phoned the local police headquarter and informed them about my wife and asked them to send a group to patrol in the perimeter of the house where Alec's parents live. The next thing I did was to phone her parents. I hope my son is alright too. A few rings and a panicking voice of a woman answered my call.

" Hello..." the woman answered.
" Hi Ma'am, is this Mrs. Morgan I'm speaking to?" although I knew it was Alexandria's mom. I still want to hear it coming out of her mouth. I wanted to tell the bad news to her family only.
" Yes, speaking, who is this?" She cautiously asked.
" Mrs. Morgan I'm Clyde Harlington, Alexandria's husband, is my son still in your home?" I politely asked.
" Yes, yes! He's here!" she stuttered.
" I'm sorry, but could you please tell me where my daughter is? She just went out of the house because your bodyguard wanted to talk about some important matter. We thought it's about you because it's a bit late already, we didn't notice the time passed so quickly. But then it took her so long to come back, so I checked on her outside and saw there's no more Limousine park outside and her purse was in the middle of the street!" She tried to explain thoroughly but broke down in the end. I heard a manly voice calming her down.
" It's Alexandria's dad, please tell me she's safe." Alexandria's dad pleaded.
" She will be fine, Mr. Morgan, I'll make sure of that. But for the moment, please, take good care of my son and let a few of my personal bodyguards stay at your home to protect you all. We don't know yet what's the motive of the kidnapper. They haven't called me or demanded ransom money. But We know already where she is. The rescue team is on its way. I promised you I will bring her back soon." I assured him before cutting off the line.
Meanwhile, in the house there is chaos too. Amanda is a little hysteric from what happened and Claire was there comforting her. When they saw me walking down the stairs, everyone quickly walked towards me with a questioning look.
" I'll be heading out." the last words I said to them before heading my way to the main door. When I reached the outside of the mansion, I saw five arm men waiting for me in a black minivan. I glance one last time at my worried family.
" Make sure to bring her back safely and alive, son." Amanda pleaded.
" No harm will come to her mom, I'll be going,
Dad! Take care of everyone."
" Go on, son. I'll handle everything from here." I nod at him and hop inside the van.
Hold on, my little kitten.
I'm coming for you.
Just hang in there. I said in my mind.
Whoever did this will pay for their life. No one messes with my family! Especially the Harlington's Family!

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