Chapter-7 Will or not?

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*Will or Not?*

Mr Reid announces that soon we will be arriving in Clyde's Villa.
I start to be anxious and worried with every minute that passes by. I wanted to see my son so badly but half of my mind is scared knowing I'm soon to be facing his father. My heart is pounding so fast, I don't know what he's planning to do but if he's thinking of keeping my son away from me I won't let him do that! I'll fight him with all my might! He can't just take away my son like that without my permission. My blood is cooking inside from what he did but realization slapped me so hard in my face I could even feel the sting.
He's a very powerful man there's no doubt about that. If he wants to, he can take my son away from me buying all the judges and police to side with him. It's scary to think far ahead about what possible outcome would await me if I refused him.
My strand of thought is cut off when Mr Reid announces that we arrive already.
When the Mercedes car stops I quickly open the door and step outside.  I spotted right away the damn 'mysterious guy' of my past, standing in front of the main door of his big and luxurious house. He's wearing a black t-shirt and denim jeans with matching black Nike flip-flop sandals. The actual plan when I hop out of the car was to rush to him and slap him hard in the face.
I just want to do it without an exact reason to make up for all the troubles I'd been through in the past and for not showing up to me even if he knows everything already.
I saw his signature smirk creeping on the corner of his lips when he saw me walking towards him.
But God!  Seeing him now makes me think if I should stick to the plan or not.
His facial features changed a bit, and he looks mature now which added to his enigmatic look. He never fails to attract me with his intense look and deep brown eyes. I felt my knees become unsteady but I summoned enough courage and brushed away my admiration for him which has never changed ever since.
I stop and stand firm in front of him. My hand automatically lifted up and almost landed on his face, if only he's not that fast to catch it. He grabbed my hand and turned me around, imprisoning me in his arms.
Instantly sparks of electricity run through my veins.
I felt his lips brush off my hair before he left a soft kiss on the exposed skin on my shoulder.
Making me gasp and close my eyes...
Goodness! Only him can make me feel like this!
I'd been longing to feel this for the past six years of my life!
My body went rigid and felt butterflies swirling around my stomach when he whispered these words to my ears.
"Welcome back my 'little kitten' It's been a long time,"
How I miss hearing that baritone voice and those endearments he used to call me, before.
How am I supposed to fight him and act strong in front of him If my body becomes weak and shaken from his mere presence?
This is absolute madness!
I'm not ready for this...!
Someone, please...
Save me...!
I felt him let me go and walk inside the house leaving me hanging in the air.
He then turns around with a self-satisfying smirk on his lips.
" Aren't you coming? "he asked after.
I quickly walk next to him. " Where's my son Clyde? " I asked him worriedly.
"Follow me first little kitten, let's talk before seeing our son.." he said in a firm voice.
I quickly went hysterical hearing his response.
" No..! I'm not talking to you unless I see my son first..! Where is he, Clyde.?! "I asked frustratedly.
Not waiting for his answer I shouted my son's name. Hoping he might hear me and run out.
But none.
My sons didn't come out, it's just my voice that echoed in the hallway. I saw him stop on track and turn around scanning me from head to toe and back to my face. I watch as he takes a deep breath and sighs. He lifts his hand in the air as a sign of surrender.
" Ok.. let's see him first before all of my people come looking who's making a ruckus in this house. Follow me Alexandria.. " he said before turning his back around. I'm happy he did that because I don't want him to see my mouth fall open from the amusement I'm feeling right now, hearing him call me by my first name!
Argh...!Come on Alec...!
Get a hold of yourself...!I scolded myself!
I'm not here to be amused by him but to take my son back. I saw him turn right and went inside an elevator.
He pushes the bottom to avoid the door from closing waiting for me patiently to join him in.
I rush walking inside.
goddess! I can't believe he had an elevator in his house..?! I had to close my eyes to calm myself when I felt his intense stare at me.
I pretended to look at the floor, turning my face to hide it a little.
We stopped at the third and last floor of his house. He went to his right and passed three rooms before he stopped.
I heard a song from "Sesame Street " that my son loves to watch on the t.v.
He opens the door of the room revealing what's inside. I saw a big children's room that was filled with lots and lots of has everything a child could ever wish to have. And It's just one fort of the room he had in his Auntie-granny house.
I saw my son sitting comfortably on the ground building some robots using the Lego toys.
He turn around and saw me, he smiled at me before standing up and running towards me.
" Slowly  'big guy' or you might fall.. " I said to him before kneeling on my knees to level myself with him.
"Mommy. Mommy..look..!"
" Daddy said. I can have all of it..! " he said with a toothy smile on his face.
"Alexander, listen to me, remember when I told you not to talk and go with a stranger? why didn't you listen to me?" I scolded him a little. His smile disappeared and he looked down on his foot acknowledging his mistake.
"Yes, mommy...I remember it. But isn't he my daddy...? " he asked so innocently with a confused face.
I took a deep breath before answering him. I have to be careful in what I'm saying in front of him.
" Baby, who put that in your mind? Where did you get the idea that his your daddy..? "
I'm really confused too.
How can he know it...?!
"I saw his photo in your drawer Mommy, is he not my dad, Mommy? " he said, more confused about the situation.
He saw that photo I took from his dad the first and last time we met!
I wish to be invincible and vanish in thin air from the embarrassment I'm feeling right now.
Now Clyde will know I took one of his photos, before!
Gah! what to do?! I felt my son pull the hem of my blouse. I stared back at him and turned around to glance at Clyde who got a never fading sexy smirk on his lips.
Goodness!I just want to wipe that smirk  off his lips.
Shit..! Get a hold of yourself, Alec..!
I scolded myself. I'm getting insane here! I smiled at my son whose still waiting for my answer.
I took a deep breath and mustered enough courage to tell him the truth.
He knows it already. I can't also lie to my son.
" Baby. Yes, he's your Daddy..remember when I told you that Daddy is busy that's why he can't visit us..? Well, Daddy has time now to be with you.." I smiled at him before adding in.
" But promise me, next time even if you know someone, you won't easily come with them. You should wait for me or ask for my permission, especially when you're at school, ok.?" I said to him in a motherly tone, which I used only when I wanted him to remember something. He nodded his head at me before smiling while raising his right hand and making a pledge which we always do when we promised each other something.
" I promised Mommy.. " he smiled so cute that I messed up his hair, which made him cringe and run away.
He doesn't like me messing with his silky soft hair that falls back into places...
So cute of him. I was distracted by my thoughts when I heard Clyde clear his throat.
I stood up and turned around to face him.
I saw him smile at me.
"So my little kitten took some photos of me so she won't forget me huh...?"He said, smirking at me.
I felt my cheek turn a bit red from the embarrassment.
"I thought we needed to talk. " I said to him to change the topic and to escape the confrontation.
I heard him laugh before opening the door for me.
We were almost out of the room when I heard my son call his daddy.
" Daddy waits..! " He went back inside, kneeling on one knee like a knight.
" Hey, big guy, me and Mommy are going to talk for a bit and we will be back after.. " he said to my son, smiling at him lovingly.
I felt a warm feeling touching my heart seeing them together for the first time.
I felt my eyes become teary...
Urg! Cursed your hormones!
" Ok Daddy, but promise me first that you won't make my mommy cry again. " He said to his Daddy with a serious look that shocked  both of us.
" Why, smart guy? Does mommy cry all the time? " Clyde with his undying smirk excitedly asks our son, liking everything that he's hearing right now.
" Hmmm..yes! Daddy. She's crying while looking at your face in the photo.." my son spoke out so innocently.
Ohh no! My mouth fell open from what my son revealed to his daddy.
Ohh, my god! Can I just disappear for a bit..?
Pleased?!This is so embarrassing for me!
But I can't stop my son!I told him never to lie and right now he's telling his dad the truth.
" So? Mommy is crying because she misses me? " He teasingly asked my son.
Damn you Clyde...!
"Hmmm. Yes...! " My son cheerfully answered after thinking for a bit about his daddy's enunciation.
" Ok smart guy, from now on I promised you," he said to my son, lifting his right hand and making a pledge before glancing back at me with a serious look.
" And I promise also to your mommy, that I will never make her cry again. " I saw my son jumping with joy and I felt my heart leap with happiness too.

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