⚜Chapter-9⚜Conflict at school⚜

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Time goes so fast...
It's been a week that I'm staying in Clyde's place and moving my things out from my Auntie Lilian's rented apartment.
I wanted her to move with us but she refused to leave the apartment, she said she wanted her privacy and loves to be alone.
But I didn't want her to stay there alone so I asked Clyde to lend some housemaid in his house to take care of my Auntie. Luckily Clyde didn't protest about it and even said it would be nice if she had somebody to talk to and take care of the household.
After signing the contract, Clyde processed everything after two days we got married.
Things run smoothly, I'm really glad that Clyde never pushed himself to me like he promised, just only being sneaky once in a while.
We were like cat and mouse in the house, he's always sneaking out and stealing kisses on my cheek, sometimes he's using our son to make a scenario that I'm obliged to kiss him on the lips which makes my son giggle.
I must admit, I like him a lot but I'm not ready yet to give myself to him.
The complication came when Clyde sent my son to a prestigious school for elite kids...' bully mommies' came into the picture.
My trance was interrupted when I heard my son calling for me.
" Mommy, Mommy...! Daddy said we can ride in his big car to go to school... " he announced excitedly while jumping around.
" Calm down Alexander. You will sweat before we even arrive at school. " I warned him, smiling at his action when he stopped jumping and stared at me while lifting his right hand to make a salute before winking.
" Hey...where did you learn those tricks? " I said to him while messing his hair.
" Did you like it, Mommy? I learned that in the movie Ms Charlotte watching in my room..."
I gasped when I heard what he said.
What if he sees more than that?!
I have to tell Ms Charlotte to stop watching romance movies in Alexander's room.
I don't want his innocence to fade away quickly. I glance back at him, I need to know if he sees more than that.
" Ok. Big guy. Now tell me more about the movie you saw Ms Charlotte watching?" I asked enthusiastically to hide what I wanted to know.
"Hmm? Nothing more Mommy...! " he answered after thinking for a bit. I sigh in relief knowing he might be asleep and just accidentally wake up and sees that part of the movie.
" Ok, big guy. Go eat your breakfast now. I'll just go talk for a bit with Daddy ok?"
" That's Ok Mommy..." He said while walking to the kitchen.
I turn around and head to the elevator. Sometimes I'm cursing that this house is so big and everything important was on the third floor. Like my son's room, The master's bedroom, Clyde's office, and a big special room that no one, even me isn't allowed to get in. Sometimes I wonder what's inside that room that is so precious that even us are restricted to explore it.
The entertainment area is located on the second floor, There you can watch like you would in the cinema. There's a fitness room that is also filled with lots and lots of gadgets and things for exercise.
After a minute the elevator door went open. I quickly head outside and walk straight to Clyde's office room. I knock twice before twisting the door knob. I saw him busy with his computer, his table was a mess with lots and lots of folders and paper on top of it.
" What can I help you little kitten? " He asked without looking at me.
He was so engrossed with his work that I'm hesitant to tell him about the incident with Ms Charlotte. Maybe I can tackle this with her by myself.
" Nothing, I just want to tell you that we're going to school in half an hour, in case you won't see us downstairs.." He quickly looked back at me, his deep brown eyes lingered on my face for a while before they went down to my body. Which made me so conscious of myself. I'm wearing a black sleeveless blouse with matching denim jeans and flat sandals.
" Ok, can you wait for me? Just give me five minutes and I'm done with my work. " He says before tapping his legs.
Disregarding what I saw I said, " Ok, but if you are still busy you don't need to go downstairs Clyde.." I said to him before walking to the couch.
But to my utter surprise, I squeaked in shock when I felt his arm wrap around my waist!
He brought me next to his table before sitting back in his chair.
What shocked me more is that he pulled me in, which made me sit on his lap.
I gasped when I felt his strong arm wrap around my waist to stop me from standing up.
" Clyde?! let me go...! " I tried to stand up but his hand was like an iron wall, I couldn't lift it.
" Stay still, little kitten.. I'll just finish this then we can go together downstairs.." he said before planting a kiss on my cheek.
The beast catches me again...!
I glanced at his face and saw him having difficulty typing letters on his keyboard.
I have no choice but to position myself nicely in his lap so he can move his both hands freely without me hanging in the way.
I reached for his neck and encircled my hands around it, which made our faces just inches apart.
I saw him smile at me at my action.
Damn, sneaky Clyde..!
I can feel his warm body radiating to me.
His warm breathing touches my skin, I need to move my face to the crooked of his neck to hide it from his sharp eyes because I don't want him to see how badly I'm affected by his presence.
I felt his lips touch my cheek which sends a spark of electricity down to my core.
I  look up to him when he moves his chair giving distance from the table and his swivel chair.
He smiled at me before clearing his throat.
" Let's go? Or do you want to stay in my lap the whole day? " he said, smirking at me.
Instantly I stood up and straightened my clothes.
" Dream on Mr. Harlington, Just dream on... " I said to him before turning around and walking to the door.
I didn't even wait for him. I felt my cheek heat up from the embarrassment.
Damn you Clyde!
" Alexandria! Don't you dare turn your back on me...! " He demanded before running after me.
He composed himself when he saw that I waited for him inside the elevator. He brushes his hair up and down behind his back.
His trademark smirk was back on his lips before stepping inside the elevator.
When the door closed he starts again hinting at me,
" Honestly kitten, I don't mind you sitting on my lap " he said teasingly.
I closed my eyes and started bubbling words so I won't hear what he has to say.
" Blah, blah... blah...hmmp____! "  My eyes went wide when I felt his lips to mine.
The damn Clyde kissing me?! I tried to pull him on his chest but my hands did the opposite. When he bit my lower lips my mouth instantly went open and my hands automatically went up snaking around his neck.
He pulls me closer to him so that I can feel his hardness down there.
This felt good...
Ohh no?!
This isn't good! Wake up, Alec!
My mind is battling itself.
I never thought I missed this kiss so badly that I'm kissing him back more aggressively.
I heard him moan in delight. Then I heard the sound of the elevator (ding!) and the door went open.
I quickly pushed him away not wanting my son or somebody else to see us doing intimate things publicly!
I heard him cursing but I didn't dare to look back, I'm scared of myself and what I might do if I ever see his face.
I walked straight to the kitchen where I saw my son sitting impatiently with his hands both resting on his cheeks.
His eyes sparkled with joy when he saw me. He quickly runs and embraces me.
" Mommy, what took you so long? " He asked, pouting his lips.
" I'm so sorry baby, are you ready? " I asked, misleading my son's first question.
" Yup..! " he cheerfully said.
" Daddy...! " he chirps when he sees Clyde behind me.
" Hey little smart guy, sorry Mommy needs to wait for me to finish my work before heading down here. Are you excited to go to school? " he asked while messing his hair.
"Yes...Yes!"Alexander cheerfully answered.
" Ok then off you go my little smart guy, take good care of your mommy." He kissed his son's forehead before hugging him.
That small little affection he showed to his son made my heart warm up to him, it made me feel like I made the right choice in signing the contract. At least my son is with his father. The love and happiness I saw in my son's eyes. I can never replace that with material things in life.
Those feelings money can't buy.
He sends us outside the front door where the black Mercedes car is waiting. I was supposed to hop in the car when I felt him stop me. I look back at him with a confused face. What now?! Did I forget something?
" Kitten, You forgot to kiss me." And with that, he stole a kiss on my lips that made my heart flutter again.
I felt my cheeks heating up at his abrupt gesture. I quickly turned around and just mustered the word 'bye' before getting inside the car.
" Bye Daddy.. "My son waves goodbye to his daddy.
When the car moved, I looked at the side mirror and I saw him waving his hand with an undying smirk on his lips.
He scored again!

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