"Oh my god, he's fucking adorable," I exclaimed.

"Austin? I know, but I got dibs."

"I've had dibs for years," I argued. "You can't do that. We're engaged! I bought him a ring and everything!"

"You better convince him that then."

"I spent a whole quarter on that damn ring and he wears it on a chain. That proves he's mine."

"He's not yours and he's not mine either."

"He's mine. Perry gave me ownership papers. I'm on my way to your house, by the way." With that I got off of my bed and slipped my shoes on before I headed to my car.

"You  can't own him."

"I own him," I said, walking downstairs. "He's legally mine. I'll even prove it to you," I said before adding Austin into a threeway on the phone.

"What do you need Kells?" Austin asked.

"Didn't your dad sell you to me when we were ten! I own you!" I shouted into the phone.

"You don't own me!"

"I have the papers. You signed them."

Austin let out a sigh. "Yes, you own me," he mumbled. "But I don't think it was legally binding. Why do you even have it anymore?"

"For moments like this when Alan doesn't believe that I own you."

"He owns you?" Alan asked.

"Yes! He's mine!"

"That's weird."

"Why didn't you tell me Alan was on the phone!?" Austin exclaimed. "Al, I promise. It's just Kellin being a weirdo."

"I didn't think you needed to know he was on the phone."

"Yes I did!"

"I don't think so," I hummed. "Ally kins and I are going to the skate park, do you wanna tag along."

"I'll be there in ten!" Austin said.

I laughed. "Of course you will. By the way, I guess I need to sign your papers over to Alan, huh?"

"You really do."

"I don't know if I wanna. I love you too much, you're all I've got."

"You should."

"I don't care what I should do."

"You gotta do this Kellin."

"If Alan gets to date you, I get to own you. It's only fair. I mean, you still have the ring that I spent all of my allowance on so... that has to mean something."

"It was from a machine Kellin."

"It doesn't matter!"

"Whatever, just see you guys at the skatepark." He said and hung up.

"That was interesting."

"Yeah, I'll see you in a few Kellin." Alan said then hung up.

I sighed and jumped into my car as I was already standing outside and started the drive to Alan's house.

When I got there I headed up to his apartment.  I knocked on the door a couple of times and shoved my hands in my pockets and waited for someone to answer.

"Hi, can I help you?" Alan's mom asked when the door opened up.

"Hi uh, is Alan ready? We were gonna go hangout? I'm his uh, friend Kellin," I said, unsure if Alan even thought of me as a friend.

Operation Friendzoned (Cashby & Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now