Kellin shrugged. "You've already asked me that."

"Well, something is obviously wrong."

"I'll be fine, don't worry about it," he whispered.

"What is it?"

"It's just friend drama. You know how that is."

"No, I don't know how that is actually." I said. 

"Well it sucks. A whole bunch."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault my best friend is a piece of shit."

"So it is Vic?"

"Yeah," he sighed. "His stupid girlfriend told him that he needs to stop hanging out with me! What kind of girlfriend does that? What kind of friend actually listens!?"


"Yeah really. That's why I left the stupid sleepover early too. That ass told me that his bitch of a girlfriend, Emily," I spat. "Told him that it was weird for seventeen year old boys to have slumber parties."

"I don't think it's weird. I wish I had friend who'd have slumber parties with me."

"You do, you can come over to mine whenever you want. When you came to that slumber party you got stuck having to come to them for life. Even if you weren't aware of it."

"Oh okay. I can't wait to have more. My parents and my only other friend will be proud."

"Who's your other friend?" Kellin asked. "Can I meet them one day?"

"His name is Oliver and I don't know. He'll probably want to meet you eventually. He's really nice."

"That's cool, is he cute?"

"He's eighty two years old."

"Oh, I like older men, as long as he can get it up, it's okay."

"He was married."

"Was is the key term," Kellin said with a wink.

"He's not interested in looking for anything anymore. He's waiting to die."

"Alan you're ruining my fun. I need to hook up with someone soon."

"Well find someone else then."

"Good, I'm horny and in need of comfort. Wanna help out?" He said, winking at me.

I looked at him completely horrified, "No!"

"Why not!?" He whined. "I'd be so gentle on your first time!"

"No way. I- No."

"Oh come on, I'll be a perfect gentleman."

"No. I'm waiting to that kinda stuff."

"Lame. I lost my virginity when I was fifteen."

"I'm still a virgin."

"I can tell. You walk like it."

"I walk like it?"

"You walk like you just got off of a horse. It just screams virgin."

"I don't get it."

"Because you're a virgin."

"And I will be for awhile."


"No, I just wanna wait till I find someone I love."

"Still lame."


Operation Friendzoned (Cashby & Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now