"It's raining Prince." I pointed out the window.

"I've got ways around that, don't worry."

"Aren't you busy today? Your receptionist moved my appointment to 9:00 because she said you were fully booked today."

He chuckled, "I am... with you."

A big smile reached my face. I wanted so badly to stop liking him as much as I did but then he went and did stuff like this, making my feelings for him grow even deeper. "Let's go then." I said, getting up immediately.

"Ok, you drive though. So the next time, you'll remember how to get there." Apparently he had a lot of confidence in my sense of direction, I would never remember how to get to whatever placed he planned on taking me.

We walked through the lobby before I stopped at the door to put my goofy rain gear back on.

My little while '83 Honda Civic was no where near as fancy as his car, so I felt a little self conscious about having him be my passenger.

"You drive stick?" He watched as I shifted from second to third gear down Audubon Road.

"Yeah, that's what I've always driven. So where are we going?"

"Here, turn left. I would have never thought you drove stick. Just keep going straight, I'll tell you when to turn."

"Am I gonna turn left or right?"


"Why wouldn't you have thought I drove a  stick?" I looked at him briefly before focusing back on the road.

"At the light you're gonna turn. I don't know, you look like you'd be riding in a Lexus or something. Not that there's anything wrong with your car, it's just... you know. Just keep going straight."

I rolled my eyes, becoming mildly offended, "I know my car isn't fancy, but it takes me where I need to go."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. Ok, turn right in here." He pointed to an inconspicuous driveway.

"Here?" I forgot about what we were even discussing as I turned off of the main road onto a private drive.


"What is this place?" I said, as we pulled up to a guard shack before a big wrought iron gate.

"My house." He waved at the guard and the gate started to open. "Just pull all the way up."

We pulled up to this massive yellow mansion with purple trim. If I had to guess which house Prince owned out of a line up, this would definitely be the one I'd pick.

He grabbed my hand and led me into his house. The high end marble tile and expensive furniture made me wonder what he thought about my house when he first walked in.

I took off all my rain gear and put my pumps on again. "Come here." He waved for me to follow him into the kitchen.

He opened the refrigerator and pulled out two to-go boxes. "So what water are you talking about?" I asked, looking out of the big window over looking the pool that was being sloshed around by thousands of raindrops.

He walked up behind me and stood really close, his hips barely brushing up against my ass. The smell of his cologne engulfed my senses, making me draw in a deep breath to capture all that I could of his scent. Pointing over my shoulder, "See that windmill over there?" His breath tickled my ear as he spoke, "There's a little pond over there."

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