Chapter 1

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'Where is he?' She asked herself.  'I can't believe he had just ran off like that!'  She continued walking down the gravel path that led to her 'home' and saw the small tree grove that was near her living space. She ran into the tree grove, keeping her eyes open for Harry.

He ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He was tired from running at a sprint for so long. He was thirsty. Why had sir gotten so mad? Sir was (or what he assumed to be) his father. He was always getting angry, but he had never gotten this angry. He was just reading the paper, like he does every morning at breakfast, when all of a sudden he ripped the paper in half and slammed his fists down. His face was red with fury. And of course Ellie (his sister) had tried to calm sir down, (he was always gentle with her) but even that didn't put out the flames of his fury.
"Henry!" He had bellowed (Henry was Harrys full name) . He turned to Harry, and he ran out the door which he had already gotten over to. Sir ran out after him, and Ellie ran out after sir. Of course, Harry had managed to lose him in the nearby tree grove, but he could hear sirs heavy footsteps not to far off. He came to a stop and quickly scaled a tree. 
'I don't think he can climb trees.' Harry thought. He hoped he couldn't. Harry climbed a bit higher.
'If he can climb trees, he won't be able to climb this high, at least.' He told himself. He climbed until he was at the top, where the branches were thin and could snap easily. Finally Harry was glad to be one of the smallest (weight wise, he was actually as tall as sir, and weighed as much as Ellie) in the family.
"Harry!" Called out a voice. But it wasn't sirs. It was Ellies. He couldn't respond! What was she thinking? With sir so close, and in such a mood, what was she doing?
"Harry!" Ellies voice was closer now.
"Ellie!" Called out a gruff, deep voice that sounded so out of place and so different to Ellie's soft, high pitch. It was sirs. Harrys heartbeat was so loud he was afraid they would hear it, since they were so close.
"Yes, sir?" She answered, her voice unwavering. She was now directly beneath the tree Harry was in.
"Where are you?!" He called out.
"Over here, sir!" She responded. There was a moment of leaves rustling and branches snapping, and then both sir and Ellie were beneath Harry.
"Where's Harry?" He asked. He seemed much calmer now.
"He's up in the tree, sir." Ellie said, looking up at Harry. Harry looked down at the two of them. He waved sheepishly.
"Oy! Get down from there, boy!" Sir yelled up at Harry. Harry slowly started to climb down. Soon he was on the ground next to them.
"Come on, then." Sir said, shoving the twins so they would be in front of him. They all started walking.

Soon they found themselves at their home. Or, what they considered to be home. It was an old place, which was falling apart and in need of desperate repairs.
"If I may ask, sir, what is it exactly that made you so angry?" Ellie asked. Harry was always surprised at her bravery to ask questions like this. And for the most part sir had answered. Though, occasionally, he didn't say anything. Just grunted and Ellie knew not to push the matter further.
"Don't pry into matters you don't understand, darling." Sir responded, an evil smile on his lips, as he opened the door to the house. He walked into the house and the twins came in after him. Ellie closed the door behind her. The door creaked and she made sure to close it slowly, so as to annoy Harry and sir. She was always doing stuff like that, though nothing ever to serious. Usually just making annoying noises until someone tells her to shut up. The two dogs jumped up onto Ellie.
"Oh, how are my babies?" She asked the animals. The dogs were Ellies. She loved them dearly, and they seemed to protect her well. Harry still hadn't figured out why sir had let her keep them, (it wasn't exactly like it was easy taking care of two large dogs) but he suspected it was because they would fight anyone to protect Ellie, and were good guard dogs. One of the dogs, Trixie, was a white pitbull with blue eyes, and the other one, Ox, was a grey pitbull with grey eyes. Ellie had found them on the same day, and suspected that they were siblings -- like her and Harry.
Suddenly, sir put his head in his hands and rushed into his room. Harry and Ellie exchanged looks. They knew exactly what was going on. Sir was having one of his infamous headaches.
Harry cocked an eyebrow at Ellie and she nodded in response.
"LEAVE!" They heard sir shout from his room. His voice was strained and they knew it was happening again. Ellie couldn't help but smile a bit.
"Yes, sir." She replied. The twins dashed out the door and Ellies dogs followed them, though the animals ran off on their own way.

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