Chapter 2

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"Hello, Robert!" Ellie said, happily extending her hand to the man who had arrived at Mr Utterson's law firm.
"Hello..." He said un-surely. He shook the girls hand. "And who are you?"
"I'm Ellie! This is my brother Harry. We read about you in the papers, you see."
"Hello, Harry, Ellie. It's nice to meet you both." Robert said, smiling at the youths. Harry glared at him, and Ellie beamed. They seemed to be polar opposites, Robert noticed. And indeed they were. Yet, somehow, they completely understood each other and got along wonderfully.
"No, it's not. Don't lie, Robert." Harry growled.
"He' a bad mood. Sorry about him." Ellie apologised.
"Oh. I see." Robert said, looking a bit quizzically at the twins.
"I shall be angry if I wish to be angry. Dammit Ellie!" Harry yelled.
"I never said you couldn't be angry, Harry. And please don't yell." Ellie said, very sweetly. She knew why Harry was in such a bad mood. It was, of course, because of sir.
"Well," Harry began to yell. He looked at Ellie, and took a breath to calm down. "Fine. Just none of you talk to me." He glared at Ellie, then at Max, and then at Robert, and he left Max's office  to go to the waiting room.
"I am really sorry about him." Ellie apologised again. "He's usually better behaved than this."
"It is a bit understandable, given your guys' current situation." Max said.
"And what would that be?" Robert asked.
"Well, you're a nosey little devil, aren't you?" Harry yelled from the waiting room.
"Harry!" Ellie yelled back. This made Max jump. Ellie never yelled. "I will lock you in a room with Ox for two hours if you don't stop it with that damned attitude!"
", sorry, Ellie." Harry responded. Ox hated Harry's guts, and would probably tear Harry in half. Ox was a vicious hellion. Well, towards Harry, at least. Ellie cleared her throat and regained her composure.
"Ellie?" Max asked the smaller girl. She looked up at him expectantly with her green eyes.
"Well, Robert and I have some business to discuss..." Max began.
"Oh, I beg your pardon!" Ellie said. "Of course, I'll leave you two. Client confidentiality, of course." Ellie laughed. She left the office and went into the waiting room, closing the door behind her. Harry looked at her with a bored look written across his features. He was sitting on the couch.
"I just wanna go home." Harry mumbled under his breath.
"I know, Harry. We could try, I guess." Ellie shrugged.
"Try what?" Harry asked. "Try going home? And risk getting killed...or worse?"
"Well, if the doctor is there instead..." Ellie's voice trailed off. "I mean, I think we should at least go by the house. And it's been nearly a week since we've left, so he should be over with, now."
"Alright." Harry shrugged. "You make a good point. Let's try going home." Harry said. Harry stood up, and Ellie and him exited the building.

Alright! Wassup dudes? So, this fanfic follows the TV show to an extent, but not entirely. Of course when you make some new (pretty important, in my opinion) OCs, that's pretty much expected to happen. Well, anyways I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! Any suggestions or comments? Let me know! Ok, bye now!

Jekyll and Hyde AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ