"Good luck," Michael bit his lower lip as he remained in the vehicle. 

"Thanks," Sam whispered as the elevator doors opened and Sam turned to face him, her shoulder resting by the door. 

It was a five meter walk from the elevator to the General's room and in that short space of time she could tell that Ridgeway had already clocked the gun at her waist and the governmental stance of her feet despite her being trained to hide both those things. 

By the time he reached her the pair had already made their mind's up about the other.

"Who are you?" Ridgeway asked. 

"Sir, my name is Samantha McAndrew and I need your help." Samantha knew that a man of Ridgeway's standing would not budge under interrogation but if he thought he could be the man of the hour then his ego would get the better of him. 

That was her 'play' anyway. 

"I have had a long flight, Samantha," Ridgeway sighed, "What is it you need help with and can it wait until tomorrow?"

"No sir, I do not believe it can." 

Ridgeway looked around him, playing for time as he weighed the situation, "Then you must come in." 

The door to Ridgeway's suite was opened to reveal an expensive suite that would most probably  cost Samantha a year's salary to stay in for a single night. She wondered how Ridgeway had paid for it. 

The security team swept through the suite quickly and efficiently although it had been checked numerous times already before they slowly left the room. 

Within five minutes Samantha and Ridgeway were alone except for his personal bodyguard and Samantha's friend, Daniel, who had put her in his team for the day. 

Sam and Daniel shared a look. 

"How can I help you Samantha?" Ridgeway unbuttoned his khaki suit jacket and released the top off a decanter of brandy.

"I wanted to ask you about two men I believed to have been in your service; Jackson and Evans." Sam's words struck a nerve and she saw the reaction instantly. Other's might have missed it but there was a slight pause in the General's actions that pointed to shock.

He had not expected Sam to ask about them and paused for a moment mid-way through pouring himself a drink. 

Slowly lowering the decanter back onto the silver tray he lifted the glass to his lips which now had a healthy serving of brandy inside it, "I'm afraid your facts are mistaken, Miss McAndrew. I have never heard of these two men." 

"Really?" Sam pressed on Ridgeway's shock, "I have documents that prove otherwise."

Ridgeway's eyes creased at the corners, "That is impossible."

Michael was on the edge of his seat in the car as he heard the General's words almost admitting his involvement. 

But a moment later Ridgeway continued.

"That is impossible because, as I said, I have never met these men. You are being led on a merry goose chase, Miss McAndrew." 

Samantha narrowed her eyes slightly at the General as he removed his jacket and laid it casually on the back of a chair. 

"If that is all, I would ask you to leave," Ridgeway turned and the look in his eyes had sharpened to a degree that made her halt for a second. The threat in those depths was true when he spoke, "I will be seeing your superiors tomorrow and I do not wish to have to convey any unpleasant remark to them about your conduct which would most likely result in your dismissal." 

Samantha stared at Ridgeway but it was not because she was worried. She's been in numerous situations where she'd almost been fired, no, it wasn't that which made her pause. 

It was the fact that she had just gotten General Ridgeway to admit that he was involved. Why else threaten her job if he wasn't?

The silence in the room grew and grew until Samantha broke it.

"Julia Reynolds. Carlos Ramirez." 

Sam looked Ridgeway in the eyes as she said their names and she could see that it was a bullet to the heart for the General. His cheeks grew a shade darker and his thick brows furrowed slightly in the center. 

Those names were a sore spot for Ridgeway. 

"Thank you for your time," Samantha smiled before she turned and left the room. 

Ridgeway's face told her everything she needed to know and there was nothing Ridgeway could do to stop it.

12 Minutes (#2 in Military series)Where stories live. Discover now