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"Cancer you sure you wanna go to the BIGGEST rollarcoaster ever?" I say kinda scared



We put our gum that we were chewing on onto the tree full of gum. I walk onto the rollar coaster seat. I put the thing down and look over at Cancer.

Cancer looks sweaty and a bit Clammy.

"If you puke! Go on the other side please." I say. I dont wanna get stains on my clothes.

"Yea! Ill try Moosey. "

The coaster starts going up hill. It goes all the way up. I could see all the rides. The boards on the track moaned as the wait of the coaster went upon them.

It stopped as we hit the very top. It suddenly jolted and we went forward.

I could here whilsting in my ears and my skin almost come off my face. I looked over at Cancer. She had started crying as I. Look at the man behind her. His face full of liquids I won't describe for your safety!

How could Cancer do that?

I look back forward to see another hill for us to go up on. The boards almost sound like snapping. Wait. They are snapping! I almost scream. But when the rollar coaster jolted upward we didn't plummet to what felt like our death.

I look over at Cancer. Or what was left of her.

Cancer POV

We got to our second hill and the boards were screaming. Or snapping. One of the two.

The coaster jolted over and over but we didn't go. We stay plip plop on the top!

I was about to scream. MooseToast looked over and her face went pale. I looked where she was looking, which was my leg, and a huge chuck was out of it. I couldn't feel it though.

We looked at eachother and screamed. The coaster started to work again and plummeted to the death of me. I opened my eyes to what i thought was the end. Which it was this time. The six flags people came over and took me to the hospital.

I blacked out.

MooseToast POV

I was very worried about my friend. It was my fault!  My head said. I knew the depression side of me was going to eat me alive. The anxiety side was going to hurt like a mother sucker! I had let this happen..

I asked her to come! I even thought that this wouldnt happen. I run by Cancer. I feel lucky. They let me stay in the ambulance! I thought stuff didn't happen like that. I wonder why they did welcome me. I look out the back window to see a body lying unconcious and people surrounding it.

Who decided to go suicidal? I asked myself

I stopped looking at the person to respect the spirit. And soul.

I looked back at Cancer and she was trying to regain her consciousnis. Hopefully she was gonna be ok.

We got to the hospital in less than five minutes and the got right too her leg. First for bone. Second to see is the muscles were gonna be a-okay! Then to figure out what to do with it.

The checked the bone and it was okay, nothing dent or hurt. The got to the muscle part and the muscle was torn little bit. Nothing to serious. The figured since it was such a big chunk and that no one would supply one. "Hey!" I spoke up, which seemed to surprise them. "How about that girl that jumped or fell off the coaster? Sorry to say, but she did look a bit dead to me ya' know" I said. They all looked at me if I were a ghost with a creepy face. " Good thinking! MooseToast.. Your a dumb ass still." said one of the doctors. I was about to respond until the girl that was *clearly* dead came in with her leg cut off *iforgottospellrightweresmyenglish101going?*

They stuck a needle in Cancers legs and injected a Topaz liquid into her. They started to saw of her leg. I cringed at the sight of blood a bit to much. They finally stitched and stapled the leg to her. Hopefully she could walk up fine...

Cancer PoV

I was awoken by a MooseToast hovering over me. Her eyes sunk in with bags under them. She looked paler than she already had? I dont really know. She also had looked like she hadn't eaten in months. Her arms red. I grab her arm and see the scars. My mouth must had been a O shape because she did the quiet symbol.

"Hello my mighty friend!" I say. She didn't say anything back. Well than. I say to myself.

I fall lightly on my bed. Making sure that whatever bone in my body won't break....

Wellllllllllll? I just became evil dont you think...? Part two comings soon!

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