Taurus x Leo!

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Leo is male and Taurus is female. This is a request *holyducksmyfirstone!* by this nice MooseToaster

athenagranger32 your very welcome and I thank you! Comment all u want and PM me! That makes my life even cooler! #isayiminternetfamous and I do. I make sure my friends be jell -dog ok to the story hopefully I got this!


Taurus POV

Taurus was a bad to the ass. And a fellow food lover. Her personality was out of the ball park. Her real personality was hidden. In a far away place only she knew. But her fabulous crush was Leo. Her plan was to stick a note in his locker and give him a hint where it was. She quote down on a green sticky note with a tree on it.

Hello, this may make you confused or curious but here is a hint.               
Its by a hint of trees and bushes
By a wheel of water
And a hint of climate changes it all.

         I hope I see you!

She reviewed the note and jammed it in his locker. A little part stocked out so he could find it. Since the badass food loving cover up Taurus was planning so big it almost hurt her head to think about.

Her palace of forest covered up the water wheel. The climate changed because of the strip of trees blocking the sun and wind. Rain did come down though. Taurus started to uncover the wooden wheel. They leaves and ivy got to break the skin a few times but didn't get to her all the way.

The leaves on the trees swayed alittle. Taurus laid a blanket down to cover up some grass. Everything was ready as she waited for her prince to arrive.

Leo PoV

I open my locker and find a piece of green paper there. I read it quickly and shove it in my pocket. I get my textbooks and walk to my next class.

This time I read it more through. And try to guess the hints my first one was

The tree line at the park a few miles away
The old water wheel is there too. So I think I smell what im stepping in.

The temperature changes there from the trees. I can't wait till school is over to see if my little person is waiting. I start thinking.

Pisces? No
Capricorn? No
Taurus? No
Definitely Saggiittaurus!

She is the coolest chick in town.! Any guy would have there mouth open for that.

This is part 1! Im very tired from some medicine I took for a cold. Part 2 is tommorow hopefully or the next day!

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