“Anyways, we know you entered through the back door, forced entry of course.” He pointed to a photo of Barbara’s back door that seemed to be taken from outside the house. “You tracked your muddy footprints through the dining room to the upper level of the house finally making it to her bedroom.” John pushed two pictures in front of me the contained my boot print and another with it leading upstairs. My palms became sweaty instantaneously, I hid them under the table so he couldn’t see them. My heart is pumping loudly in my ears, they actually have evidence that I forced my way into her house. On the outside I am calm, unfazed by his facts but on the inside I am worried, uneasy if you must.

“In her bedroom, you tried to kill her quietly but my guess is that she fought back by hitting you with this lamp here.” John placed his scrawny finger on a photo of the smashed lamp she hit me with. “She ran from her bedroom to her stairwell where you caught up to her. Barbara retaliated against you which is probably where you got the scratches on your face from. She must have wiggled out of your grip and tried to run for, my guess is, the front door. Then finally you dragged her to the dining room and smashed her face on the marble table. How’d I do, was I spot on?” he inquired while smirking evilly. 

If my one good arm wasn’t shackled to this chair I would punch that stupid smirk off his face. How dare he try and make me seem like some sort of criminal. I am no such a thing, I am a prophet. Prophet’s must do anything and everything to achieve their ultimate goal. Besides, what would he know of my art? Simpleminded fools like himself wouldn’t understand that I am an artist and my work should be appreciated instead of being looked down upon.

“But-But that doesn’t explain how he fractured two ribs and dislocated a shoulder,” the other detective spoke up. My eyes darted to him, he squared his shoulders and tried to hold onto the last bit of dignity he had. But I saw right through that I could tell he was still scared shitless of me.

“Oh! You’re right, good eye Chris,” he praised. “How did you mess yourself up so bad boy?” I smirked.

“Well it was the courtesy of the SWAT team when they came to arrest me. One in particular was a bit rough, claiming I murdered his sister.” I shrugged. “I decided to not press charges against him from the kindness of my heart.” John scoffed and rolled his topaz colored eyes.

“Oh, c’mon Bauer. You couldn’t have thought of a better lie than that?”

“I am not lying, ask any one of those SWAT members and they will tell you that he accused me of killing his sister. He threw me down half of flight of stairs and I landed on my right side. I tried telling them that I wasn’t feeling to hot but no one listened until I passed out.” John rubbed at his graying beard as he watched me tentatively.

“Falling can cause dislocation and if you fall hard enough your ribs could fracture,” the quiet detective added quietly. John turned and slightly glared at his partner.

“See? I told you, but like I said earlier I don’t want to press charges the guy is already going through enough as is,” I said with fake sympathy. He continued to stare at me until I cleared my throat. “So am I free to go now or do you have more useless questions to ask me?”

“Actually I just want to show you one more thing.” I hold my hand up signaling for him to go on. He reaches under the table and grabs a plastic see through bag. It contained my clothes… from that night. How in the hell-

“These look familiar, eh? Of course they do, these are the clothing you wore the night you killed Barbara right?” I opened my mouth and closed it while gawking at the bag. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“How did you get those?” I asked slowly, making sure my voice didn’t waver.

“Your sister dropped them off yesterday morning-”

“My sister?” I question cautiously.

“Yes your sister,” he retorted slowly as if I were a child. “Though I can not remember her name. Anyways that isn’t important. She came into the station crying hysterically saying that she couldn't believe that you killed her. She had told Phillips that is was only right for her to turn you in.” I shook my head vigorously.

“No… s-she wouldn’t…”

“Oh but she would. Unlike you she has a conscience Liam. She knows right from wrong.”

“Shut up! You don’t know what you are talking about, she wouldn’t do this!” I yelled. I yanked against my handcuffs determined to break free and punch him in his skinny face. How dare he lie on Linny like that, she would never do this to me! Two of my co-workers walked in and restrained me. I thrashed in there hold causing my chair to flip back. They tossed me on the floor and injected something into my neck. I became really dizzy in a matter of seconds, my world swirled around me. I felt my body being lifted from the floor and slowly pulled towards the door. John smirked evilly before I was hauled away.

I blinked a few times as I cleared my mind of that flashback. Even though that happened a day ago, it feels like it all happened to me today. I still don’t believe what John was telling me, Caroline would never give me away to the police.

You’re a disgrace to her, of course she would…

I am not a disgrace, I simply messed up is all. I made a mistake I am human. Everyone makes mistakes.

“Liam!” My head snapped up at the mention of my name. My eyes focused on my hispanic cellmate as he rolled his eyes at me. I think his name might be Jeremy or Justin I’m not sure. “I’ve been calling your name for like ten minutes now, man where is your mind at?” I dragged my hand across my face and shook my head slightly.

“Sorry I was… thinking about some things.”

“Is it about your trial? Man don’t even trip about that, I got you.”

“You got me?” I question.

“Yeah, my brother is a lawyer he can represent you.” He hopped off of his bunk and began working out. Which he had a habit of doing in all hours of the night. I can’t really blame him because that is the only thing you can do in this place.

“Is he any good?” Jeremy/Justin looked up at scoffed at me.

“I wouldn’t have recommended him to yo’ ass if he wasn’t. Anyways, when he comes to visit me tomorrow I’ll mention you if you want.” Should he mention me? I mean it couldn’t hurt but would that mean I am betraying Caroline by receiving help from someone else.

You have already betrayed her idiot. What more could you possibly do?

I hate to admit that the voices are right but I have no other choice. They are making valid points.

“Yeah, man. I’d appreciate if you did,” I said finally. He nodded his head before continuing his workout session. I rested my back against the hard pillows and stared at the peeling white walls. my thoughts drifted to Rachel and what she could be doing right now.

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