Three - Camila

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What-the-fuck was wrong with that guy?! Really, it shouldn’t have surprised me, a gorgeous guy like that always came with some type of defect. Some were dumb, some were obnoxious, and some were dicks. For a second though, I thought I had seen something in his beautiful hazel eyes when he leaned into my window. I saw him look at my mouth when I licked my lips. I remember feeling myself lean closer to him. I thought we’d had shared something, the way he looked into my eyes, it was like he was trying to read my whole being. And then, he opened his big mouth. Idiot! He really thought I couldn’t own this type of car! And! He thought I couldn’t take care of it! Ugh. With his big shoulders, and slicked dark hair, and big juicy lips, and God he was tall, he had to be 6 foot something, and his scent, it was something earthy but slightly sweet. *le sigh* But no, a guy like him would never really want a girl like me. I was used to only dreaming of men like him. In real life men like him wanted the thin girls, with big butts and big tits AND tiny waist. I was big everywhere. I am what I’d like to call myself, Thick. I had learned that lesson the hard way. So for me to think someone like him would want me... Only in your head Camila!

Damn, but he seemed a bit stunned when he first saw me, but then again he probably saw the chubby girl staring back and realized he it wasn’t what he wanted. And he had called me sweetheart. That term of endearment just pissed me off even more, my ex called me that, but he would say it in such a snide way. Like, “Sweetheart should you really be eating again?” Asshole! I hated him, he’s the whole reason I tried to stay away from beautiful men. I’d fallen for his stupid gorgeousness and paid dearly for it.

I had been so lost in this guy’s stupid male beauty I didn’t realize I had been wasting precious time. Time I should have been using to get to work! On time!

I made it to work just on time, thank god! Ay! I had been so worried I wouldn’t make it. I went to the meeting, which went a lot smoother and quicker than imagined. As I hoped, I got the promotion! Yep, I am now Camila Estrada, Project Manager at Rivers & Johnson Group. Hell yeah! My new boss would be Mr. Karim Beshara. He’s a Partner at the firm. I was so happy! Plus, the upside to my new boss was that he was insanely handsome! He’s from Morocco. He’s got the whole tall, dark, and handsome thing going on. And, he was bright blue eyes, just the right amount of stubble, brown wavy hair, with lips that pout oh so perfectly. Uff! But enough of me ogling the new boss.

As the new Project Manager, I was going to be assigned special projects to oversee. This included checking on some of our buildings. For my first assignment Mr. Beshara wanted me to check on a new branch we designed for one of the biggest banks in the country. They would need to be opening soon. It’s a big project, it’ll have the bottom floor open to everyday transactions to consumers and business and the rest of the building would mostly be a call center, with some corporate office space as well. He felt the construction was taking a little too long and also wanted me to make sure all the money was where it was supposed to be. Pretty straightforward.

So I grabbed the paperwork he gave me, went to my new office to familiarize myself with the project, and after about two hours of setting up my new space and doing a little happy dance, and reviewing the work, I took off to the new branch.

Traffic was not all that easy to get through but I managed. Downtown L.A. was just not only full of people constantly coming and going by car but by foot as well. It was ok, me and my very...sophisticated ride, would get there ok. I got to the new branch and was taken aback. It was a beautiful new building, very modern, it made me excited. It was all dark glass on the outside. It had the sharp angles that gave it sort of an abstract look. It looked like it was almost done, so I didn’t know what Mr. Beshara meant when he said they were taking too long.

I got in, and took a moment to take it in. From here you could see that there was still work being done, but it looked like there was a dark marble on the floor. The walls had a clean grey hue. The windows were floor to ceiling and really gave it an open look. It made me very excited, I looked for the man in charge. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be found. The contractor had gone out to order more materials or something like that. So I had to settle for what little information his people could give me. I tried to take my time going over his figures and accounts, enough to hopefully give the guy enough time to come back. But it was nearing 4pm now and I was starving. So I made as many notes as possible and was very thorough in the numbers I would be giving to Mr. Beshara. I decided to leave and grab something to eat on the way back to the office.

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