Chapter Twenty-Seven

Comincia dall'inizio

God this entire thing could go completely wrong.

The whole twenty minute drive to Dallas I was pretty much freaking out. This was so nerve wracking, I hated it. After driving around a little, I found the address Kailey gave me and pulled into the parking lot to the little Starbucks shop and crinkled my nose. I've never really been to a Starbucks before, mainly because I rarely left town and it didn't have one.

I got out of my car and headed on inside the place. I looked around the small shop to find Kailey sitting at a little booth by herself, tapping the table slowly. 

"Uh Kailey." I said nervously when I got to her.

She looked up and grinned, "Kellin?"

"That's me."

"Oh my god!" She squealed and grabbed my arm, "Sit down!"

I sat down across from her and smiled, "How are you doing?"

"Great, amazing, excited, oh my goodness! Take your pick!"

I laughed, "You sound really excited for this."

"I am so excited! You have no idea."

"So am I," I told her. "So..."

"Tell me everything."

"About the adoption?" I asked her.

"Yeah everything, I want to know about everything."

I nodded and bit my lip, "Well uh the last time I saw you, you were like one and a half. And I would seriously carry you around like you were a little baby doll or something." I told her smiling. "Our parents, I don't really remember a lot to be honest. But there's still bits and pieces that I do remember. Our parents were druggies and dad was really abusive to mom, there were a lot of times when we were at the hospital with her. The nurses used to give us suckers and stuff when we were there." I said slowly.

"They did drugs? Did he ever hit you?"

"Yeah they did a lot of drugs, he was mean but he never hit us," I said shaking my head. "But they didn't really take care of us either. Mom was always strung out on something and Dad was always out doing something, I kinda think maybe he was cheating on her. I read our files a few years back it just said he beat mom and neither of them really took care of us. When CPS got us we were both kinda underweight from not eating enough and you were really sick."

She nodded, "How did you get our file?"

"Stole it from my caseworker Mary when she was taking me to a foster home," I said with a smirk.

"So you're not adopted?"

I shook my head, "Nope, no one really wants to adopt kids. It's all about the babies."

"You've only ever been fostered?"

"Yeah, just a few foster homes. I mainly just stayed at the group home with my brother."


"Yeah, we met in the system when I was five and he was four. We've pretty much been brothers ever since." I explained, "His name is Alan, you'd like him."

"What's he like?"

"He's really moody and bratty sometimes," I said with a laugh.

"Can I see what he looks like?"

I nodded and took my phone out and showed her a picture of Alan and I before he left for the group home the last time.

"He's cute." She said with a giggle.

Angel Eyes (Cashby & Kellic) Collab with GabisnotfabDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora