Desert Island Discs...

122 19 8

OK so the above isn't entirely accurate, but it kinda' applies...

Throughout the month leading up to this issue we asked you guys to tell us three personal items you'd take if you were selected to be a part of the First Generation aboard a Generation Ship...

Here, for your delectation, are the responses we received!


1 - A water bottle full of Pepsi that somehow—scientifically, of course—refills itself with more Pepsi.

2 - A keg of lube. You never know when you'll need it, and it can do so much.

3 - A small but effective pistol I can keep dangerously tucked into my waistband, should I ever need to cull the colony.


1 - Notebook (to note down my experiences).

2 - Writing device.

3 - Photo of my loved ones.


 1 - A greenstone necklace.

2 - A hard drive filled with things about me/ my family + all my fave movies and music etc.

3 - Jandals (flip flops).


1 - The complete works of Terry Pratchett as a minimum, and preferably an electronic library large enough to allow me to read my way to the stars.

2 - As many musical instruments as possible. I quite fancy being the best guitar player in space.

3 - Tin opener. Cos someone always forgets the tin opener.


1 - Survival knife.

2 - Water purifier.

3 - Some sort of fire starter... though more personal items would be laptop with photos, rugged shoes, blanket my mom made for me.


1 - Assuming that this is a long trip, and whatever you bring isn't renewable and has to be usable for the entire trip, I'd bring my favorite book, preferably a really long one I could read over and over again without getting tired of it.

2 - I'd bring a harmonica, a crazy choice, I know. But it's small, you can make music with it, and you'd have a lot of time to teach yourself how to use it.

3 -   And I'd bring a deck of cards. Again, small and you can play an endless number of games with them, either by yourself or with others, assuming you've taken care of the anti-gravity issue during the trip. If not, then that idea is shot to hell.


1 - 200 Lucky Strike. That might not sound like a lot - hell, I know it doesn't sound like a lot - and I'd seriously have to cut down on my nicotine intake but let's be fair, it's probably not a good idea to smoke on any kinda' spaceship, anyways!

Tevun-Krus #33 - Generation ShipWhere stories live. Discover now