Code Breaker

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Starting right where Formality left off, Allison stares in horror at Scott in his shifted form. He glares over at Chris, and then Chris lays on the horn, shouting at Scott to move. Scott leaps up on top of the bus and escapes.

In the lacrosse field, Stiles tells Peter that they're not just leaving Lydia bleeding on the ground. Peter tips Stiles under the chin with his claws and forces him to stand. Stiles can call Jackson and tell him where Lydia is, but that's all the allowance Peter is giving him. Stiles makes the call.

The hunters let Allison out of the bus. Chris runs to her and catches her before she collapses into tears.

Scott runs through the woods, stripping off his jacket, and eventually falls into a pile of leaves, sobbing.

Jackson carries Lydia back to the school, crying. He shouts for help, and someone calls an ambulance.

Meanwhile, Stiles and Peter are in the Jeep heading off to find Derek. Peter tells him not to feel bad, because if Lydia lives she'll become a werewolf. "Yeah, and once a month she'll go out of her freaking mind and try to tear me apart." "Well, actually, considering that she's a woman, twice a month," Peter rejoins. Stiles just gives him a look.

Chris Argent chucks a vase against the fireplace and rages. He knows that Kate's been leaving clues for Allison to find. "She knows because you wanted her to!" "Because she needs to!" Chris questions Kate's motives and tells her that he doesn't know who she's in Beacon Hills to help. She claims to be there to help kill the Alpha who is killing people at random. "Not random," he tells her. Tyhurst said that Sheriff Stilinski can connect every murder back to the Hale fire. Kate, stammering slightly, tells him that that's even more reason for Allison to know the truth, because others have always blamed their family. Chris tells Kate to take Allison to the house in Washington and stay there.

She protests, and Chris gets pissed and orders her to leave.

Victoria helps Allison pack. She grabs Allison's phone when it rings but doesn't take the call from Jackson. Allison asks her mom what they're going to do to Scott. "That depends. We have a sort of moral code we follow, especially when they're that young." Allison demands to know more, and her mother tells her that what she wants doesn't matter. She tells her that she's seeing something she's not ready for and there are others outside of the family who are not ready for her to see it either. Victoria orders Allison to say she understands why she has to be quiet. Allison does, but she has a rebellious look in her eyes.

Allison and Kate are in the car ready to go. Chris ignores his sister and tells Allison to call him when they get to the house. After they leave, Victoria asks her husband he if can find the Alpha. Chris says no, but Scott can and he knows how to find Scott.

Stiles pulls into a parking garage. As he gets out, Peter grabs him and hauls him to a different car. It belonged to Nurse Jennifer, who is now dead in the trunk. He grabs a laptop bag from her dead hands and gives it to Stiles. "I got better." Peter remarks when Stiles sees the dead woman in the trunk.

Scott is hiding out in the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic. He replays his mother's advice about telling Allison everything through his head. The dogs all barking in the clinic give him an idea. Meanwhile, Allison remembers Scott kissing her at the dance and telling her he loves her.

In the parking garage, Peter opens up his laptop, a Mac, and hands Stiles a Wifi device. He tells Stiles to get connected. Stiles claims that he doesn't know Scott's username and password, but Peter knows he's lying because of his heartbeat. Stiles still tries to lie, and Peter slams his face into the laptop.

Jackson heads into the hospital looking for Lydia. Sheriff Stilinski is there and demands to know what happened to her. The Sheriff gets angry and slams Jackson up against the wall, telling him that Lydia is his girlfriend and therefore his responsibility. Jackson tells him that she went to the dance with Stiles. The Sheriff lets him go, stunned.

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