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A worker at Video 2C attempts to replace a light bulb as Lydia and Jackson pull up outside. Jackson is explaining the Hoosiers is the best sports movie ever, although Lydia couldn't possibly care less. She refuses to watch it, and Jackson angrily tells her that he's not watching The Notebook again. She just looks at him, and the next thing we see is Jackson in the video store asking for help finding The Notebook. The store is deserted, and a phone continues to ring in the background. As Jackson walks further into the store, he sees feet sticking out the end of one of the aisles. He approaches slowly and falls back in horror when he finds the store clerk with his throat slashed open. Jackson knocks over the ladder holding up the light fixture, which causes the electricity throughout the store to start flickering.

Lydia is too busy taking selfies to notice.

Jackson hears something in the darkness and turns around to see the red glow of the alpha's eyes. He attempts to hide between some rows of shelves, but the alpha knocks them over like dominoes, and Jackson is caught under one of the displays. He lies perfectly still, gasping, as the alpha draws back the collar of his coat to examine the claw marks that Derek left on him. The marks glow with a purple light, and the alpha quickly leaves him, bursting through the store window and past Lydia's car.

Meanwhile, Stiles and the Sheriff are having takeout from Burger 2 in the Sheriff's cruiser. The Sheriff asks if they forgot his curly fries, and Stiles tells him that he's not supposed to eat those. His father replies that if he wants them, he'll have them. Stiles snarks back at him. A call comes over the radio, and Stiles rushes to answer, but the Sheriff slaps his hand for trying to touch official equipment. The Sheriff answers as Stiles stuffs his mouth with curly fries. There's a report of a possible 187. "A murder?" Stiles asks through his mouth of food.

They arrive at the video store, and the Sheriff tells his son to stay in the car. Stiles bounces anxiously and eventually notices that Lydia and Jackson are there. Jackson demands to know why he can't go home. Jackson gets in the Sheriff's face and yells about his right to leave, trying his best to belittle this public servant who doesn't appear to be serving. He calls the Sheriff a minimum wage Rent-a-Cop. Stiles is half out of the car and glaring at Jackson, but he breaks the tension by suddenly pointing out the dead body the EMTs are wheeling out. The Sheriff shoots him a look, and Stiles slinks back into the car.

Derek and Scott are standing on the roof of the store, seemingly unnoticed. Scott doesn't understand why the alpha is running around killing people. "This isn't standard practice, right? We don't run around in the middle of the night murdering people, do we?" Derek tells him, "No, we're predators. We don't have to be killers." Scott wants to know why the alpha is a killer, and Derek vows that they will find out.

As they walk across the rooftop to leave, a red spiral glows faintly.

They return to the Hale House. Scott argues that he has a life to live and can't just keep following Derek around. "I have homework to do. I have to go to a parent teacher conference tomorrow because I'm failing Chemistry!" "You wanna do homework or you wanna not die?" Derek counters. Derek tells him it's a week until the next full moon, at which point either Scott kills with the alpha or the alpha kills him. Scott thinks these are stupid rules, but Derek tells him it's a rite of passage. The first full moon was 4 days after Scott got bitten. If this is the next full moon after that, 29 days later, then it is anywhere from the 18th to 26th day since 1x01 - Wolf Moon.

Scott continues to argue that he doesn't want any part of this, but Derek insists that Scott is the only one with a link to the alpha. Derek can't sniff him out because his scent as a human would be different. Derek offers again to teach Scott how to control his powers. Scott asks if Derek can stop the alpha if he agrees to help find him. Derek tells him he can't do it alone. "We're stronger in numbers. A pack makes the individual more powerful."

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