Allie's protests are cut short when a Dementor swoops into the room, it's grey robes billowing. I feel cold and empty- as if all the happiness has gone from the world, but I shake the feeling from my mind. The Dementor won't stop advancing, and I need to do something fast.

I hold my wand out.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I yell, ignoring the screams of my mother and father in their last moments ringing in my ears and instead filling my brain with happy memories, of Lee and I when we were children, and of my parents playing with us. A bright white light sprouts from the tip of my wand, and I use all the will I have in my body to force the Dementor back. I instantly feel the power in my wand- this is the most powerful Patronus I've ever created. I walk forward, pushing against the Dementor with my wand. I see an open window outside the compartment across the corridor, and take my chances, pushing it all the way through the opening. I manage to shut the window before all the energy leaves my body, and the world goes black.


"Are you sure she'll be alright, Professor? She looks terrible." Someone says in the distance.

"Rude," I try to say, but it comes out as more of a slurring sound. I will my eyes to open. Finally, they do, and I squint at the bright light. I'm lying on the floor of the train compartment, and my head is propped up on someone's hoodie. The lights are back on now, and the rumbling under my body tells me that the train is moving again. I groan as I remember what happened before I passed out.

"She's awake!" someone says, and I realize it's Julian speaking. He's leaning over me, grinning. I turn my head a little, and wince, but I manage to sit up anyway, despite Julian's protests.

"Are you okay, Vee? Allie came to find me as soon as those things were off the train," Lee says, sitting on the other side of me.

"Mfine," I mumble, rubbing my face. I move my mane of hair out of my eyes, and look around. Allie sits on one of the seats, looking relieved, and a man sits to one side of her.

My vision is still blurry and I can't tell who it is. He hands Julian something, and stands up. "Give her that. It's chocolate," he says, and I recognize his voice but can't seem to place it. "I'm glad you're alright, Ms. Jordan. I must be getting back to my own compartment. Harry Potter passed out in the next compartment over as well- although he did not produce a Patronus charm and successfully repel a Dementor before doing so."

The man quickly leaves, and I look around at my friends. I hoist myself up onto one of the seats, and Julian hands me the chocolate. I take a bite of it, but feel very uncomfortable as everyone is staring at me silently. "What is it?" I say warily.

"What the hell was that, Venus?" Allie explodes, throwing her hands up. "I've known you for three hours and you've already saved my life and passed out, making me think you were dead!" She smacks my arm.

"I agree with Allie here," Julian adds, but then he continues. "It was stupid and reckless, and you had us worried sick- Lee cried like a baby when he saw you, by the way- but I also want to know how the hell you produced a fucking Patronus charm and repelled Caspar the soul-sucking unfriendly ghost!"

I feel a strong urge to laugh at Julian's name for the Dementors, but after I see his glare, I decide not to. "I've come into contact with Dementors before. If Dark wizards are caught in America, they get put in a temporary prison before they can be transported to Azkaban. That prison was destroyed a few years ago, so while they rebuilt it, they had to put the Dementors somewhere. They decided to make them guard Ilvermorny. They were there for about two months, but they affected me really bad. Anytime they came anywhere near me, I'd pass out. This professor at my school decided to teach me the Patronus charm to protect myself," I tell them. I think back to the Dementors surrounding the school, and I shiver.

chaos ~ fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now