Chapter 9

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Dean POV
*Later in the Day*

Waking up to Roman just made me smile. Looking into those sexy grey eyes just made me melt.
"Hey sleepyhead" he said to me while messing up my hair.

I sat up and looked around at Roman's room. It was way better than mines. There was a shelf filled with baby pictures and trophies. I got up and walked over to the shelf and picked up one of his class photo.
'Aww look hoe cute he was. Eww look at me in the front.' "That was my 6th grade class photo" he said while coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I know. I see myself in the front" I said while pointing to myself.
"Aww you look so cute"
I laughed
"What eww i was ugly in that photo"
"Aww no you wasn't. You was cute then and your cute now" he said while turning me around and pick me up.
I didn't know what to say. All I could do was blush.

"Roman I got to go home"
"What no you don't. I can ask my mom if you can stay the night"
"Still I got to get clothes" I said.
"Fine I will go with you" he offered.
We got our shoes and started walking to my house. Walking to my house was a little awkward because I didn't want to embarrass myself by saying something dumb.

*10 minutes later*
While walking up the driveway I saw Rays truck.
"Fuck" I mumble
I didn't want Roman to meet or know anything about Ray. We just started going together and I knew Ray was going to fuck it up.
I opened the door. Ray was not in site.
"Roman stay here"
"Uhhh ok"

I ran upstairs and grabbed my book bag and stuff it with clothes.
Once I walked out my room I saw Ray standing there. I couldn't tell if he was drunk or sober.
"Boy come here let's have some fun" he said while grabbing my arm
"No" I said while trying to run downstairs
I finally got downstairs
"Who is this?" He asked
"No one"
"Ohh so you brought someone else to have fun with us?" he said while walking to Roman
"No" I jump right in front of Ray before he could even grab Roman. He slapped and pushed me out off his way. I fell down and broke the glass coffee table.

"No dean" I heard Roman cry out
Before I knew it Ray dropped Roman to the ground and was trying to rape him

"No stop hurting him" I yelled out while getting up. I tried hitting Ray to get off of him. Ray grabbed my arm and throw me across the living room. Glass was everywhere. I rushed to get up and seen Ray choking Roman out.
I grabbed the lamp and start hitting Ray over the head.
I keep hitting Ray until he fell out. I ran over to Roman.

"Roman are you ok? I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
"Dean there nothing to be sorry about. But who was that?"
I sat by Roman and tears began to roll down my face.
"He's my dads bestfriend. Before my dad killed himself, Ray and my Dad beat and raped me when they were drunk. I was 6 when they first raped me. They beat and raped me until I was 9." By then I was crying even harder.

"I couldn't tell anyone or they would have hurt my mom. But I finally called the cops when I was 10. My dad took all the blame and he spent 3 months in jail before he killed himself. Well my mom and Ray got married last year. A month after they got married he started rapping me again. He said if I tell anyone he would kill my mom. I didn't want anything to happen to my mom. The last time I told someone my dad killed himself. Roman I'm sorry. I didn't want you to get hurt. I didn't want anybody to get hurt for me"

"Dean I'm not hurt. Dean everything is ok" he said while pulling me close.
I cried into Roman shoulders I look up at Roman's face and knew everything was going to be ok.
He then pressed his lips against mine.
"Dean I will always protect you"

About 2 weeks later I went to court and he was found guilty. I then found out Ray was in jail and he got sentenced for 30 years.

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