Chapter 4

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Roman POV
Lunch was almost over. I noticed Dean sitting by himself. I was going to sit with him but it's not like he was going to say anything.
"Hey do y'all know anything about that Dean Ambrose guy?" I asked my bestfriends Seth and CM Punk.
"Not really. All I know is that he only has 2 friends Paige and my Girlfriend. He takes all AV classes. His dad went to jail and committed suicide" Punk said.
"Why did he go to jail?" I asked.
"I don't know"
"I think he went to jail because he was raping and beating someone in Dean's family" Seth said
"Who do you think He raped?" Punk and I asked.
"I don't know who he raped" Seth said.
I didn't know what to say after that. The bell rung, then I walked to Dean's table but he wasn't there. 'Dang he moves fast'
I was walking down the hall having a conversation with Seth and Punk, then out of nowhere I bump into someone. Seth and Punk don't notice and they keep walking. "Watch where you're going" I heard some say........

Dean POV
I was walking looking for Paige then Roman bump into me i fell to the ground.
"Watch where you're going" I said.
"Dean I'm sorry" He said while picking up my book.
"I don't need your help" I said.
I took my books and got up. I tried to walk away but Roman wouldn't move.
"Can you move" I said.
"Can we talk" He asked.
"No, please move"
"Not until you answer this question" he said.
I rolled my eyes. I had to find Paige before class started.
"What?" I said
"Dean why don't you like me" he asked
"I don't like you because you're a jerk to everyone. You didn't even know me until yesterday and your already trying to help me. I don't need your help. I don't need you" I said while pushing him out of my way. I ran down the hall looking for Paige.
"Dean wait!" I heard Roman say while I was running away from him. 'Fuck!' I thought to myself. I couldn't find paige and I needed to get my notes from her for my English class.

'How many times do I have to say to him "I don't need you're help" for him to actually understand?!'
It was the end of the day and I did everything to avoid Roman. He keeps trying to help me and I don't want him to. I don't need him to judge or feel sad for me. I mean I do think his cute and sexy. I just don't want to get him involved. I don't want him or anyone to get hurt because of me.

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