Chapter 3

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Roman POV
It was about 7:30 in the morning. While I was walking to school, I see a boy walking on the other of the street. I really couldn't see him because of the sun. All I know is he looked familiar. I ran across to see that it was that Boy who did my English work yesterday.
"Hey. Its Dean right?" I said.
He shook his head yes.
"Ok..... Well thanks for doing my English work" I said
He just keep walking. He was acting like he didn't know who I was.
"Hey are you ok?" I asked
He didn't say anything. He started to walk faster.
I walked right in front of him and blocked him for walking. I noticed he was beat up badly and he was crying.
"Yo are you ok?" I asked again.
He just started crying harder. I didn't know what to do.
"Dean what happened?" I asked.
He just stood there looking at the ground.
"Dean!"I yelled out.
"What do you want?! I'm not your friend. I don't like you. Please leave me alone!" He said crying.
"Dean I just want to help you" I said
"I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!!" He yelled.
He then pushed me out of his way and ran off crying. 'Did I do something? How come he doesn't like me? Everyone likes me' I thought.

Dean POV
I was running to the school crying my eyes out. Then I ran into Aj.
"Dean what's wrong? What happened?" she asked while pulling me to the gym bathroom.
"Ray" I cried out.
"Did he rape you again?" she asked. When she said that all I could do was shake my head and cry. She pulled me close and let me cry into her shoulder.
"Aj, do you know that boy Roman?" I asked while wiping the tears away.
"Yeah, Kinda. He seems cool. Why?" She asked.
"I don't know he stopped me this morning and he kept asking me what's wrong. I kinda yelled at him" I said.
"Lol Dean"
The bell rang I walked Aj to class then to the bathroom to wipe my face. As soon as I walked in I seen Roman washing his hands.
"Dean I'm sorry if I made you mad this morning" he said.
I looked at him and looked away.
"Dean say something"
"Fine Your Welcome" I said while rolling my eyes.
He didn't say anything after that so I left the bathroom. It felt awkward stand there while Roman was trying to start a conversation. Through out the whole day I thought about Roman, asking myself Why does he want to help....

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