chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Power Ranger


Master Rangers


During the Forbidden Scroll incident Naruto Unlocked something from a time long ago. A morpher with the Ranger's codes from across dimensions and times From MMPR to Super Megaforce with all 3 of my own in the mix.

DISCLAIMER: I own (Hear crashing outside) FINE YOU RATS… I don't own Power Rangers or Naruto. BUt i do own Lantern Force Angel Force and Mirridon Force as they are my OC rangers.

Forest outside Konoha.

Naruto was sitting down in a clearing with a giant scroll in front of him. He was looking through it and saw info on a Jutsu called the Kage Bushin.(Shadow Clone)

"Aw man Bushin are my worst Jutsu." said Naruto. He noticed the next item in the scroll was a Seal. It read Master . He bit his thumb and rubbed the blood on the seal forcing a little bit of his Chakra into it as well. A smartphone pops out with a symbol that looked like a lightning bolt over skull."Hmm well if I want to pass guess.."He then notice a letter next to the scroll that wasn't there before.

To whom ever is reading this

My name is Troy Burrows. but that is not important. What is what i was. I was Known as Megaforce and Super Megaforce Red Ranger. But that was a long time ago. I recently got connected to the Morphin Grid and started to develop 3 morphers based off my 2nd morpher, the Legendary morpher. This is the Master Morpher for the Red Ranger. I've hidden the other 2 morphers with the familys of My teammates and fellow Rangers Jake/Gia and Emma/Orion. I hope this is inherited by someone who is chosen By the Power.

Good Luck

Troy Burrows

Naruto picks up the Smartphone and examines it.

"I wonder how I use this." He puts the smartphone down and goes back to the scroll."Guess its time for me to learn a variation of the bushin."

A few hours later

Iruka Unimo Chunnin of Konoha snuck up on the young Naruto.


"But Iruka-sensei. Mizuki-sensei said if I learned a jutsu from the Forbidden Scroll I would pass and become a Gennin." said Naruto

''Mizuki said that?'Naruto that's-" Iruka starts but hears a noise that sounds like Kunais flying towards them. He jumps in front of Naruto and take six Kunai in the back.

"Naruto give me the scroll and you pass." said Mizuki landing on a tree branch at the branch.

"NO NARUTO DON'T!" yelled Iruka.

"Naruto do you want to hear why everyone hates you?"said Mizuki.

"I know why they hate me." said Naruto.

"What? You know that you are the Nine tailed fox?" said Mizuki.

"I'm not the Kyuubi. I'm the Jailor not the prisoner." said Naruto grabbing the smartphone that was next to him.

Hello Master.

'what?" thought Naruto.

Master all you need to put the Morpher in front of you and yell Master Ranger Morph

'Okay' thought Naruto. He held out the smartphone and yelled "MASTER RANGER MORPH!" He throws the phone up and takes a stance. The phone sends out 3 squares sets of code through the camera and Naruto runs through them. The first sets of code gives him a red suit of something that spandex. The next set gives him a helmet with a visor and a final set gives him a set of white gloves and boots."Master Ranger Red."

"Ha WHat is with the suit Kyuubi." said Mizuki."No matter. I have something that will help with Your new power." Mizuki take a vial out and chugs it. He starts growing tiger fur and muscle."Ha! How do like my new form, kyuubi?" Naruto charges at Mizuki and throws a kick. Mizuki pushes him back.

"Ok so normal is going to do it." 'Hey Voice any ideas?' said and thought Naruto.

I actually do. Why not change Ranger forms. Also I am your Morpher

'And how do I do that?'

Take me out and swipe across my screen. I'll randomly choose a Ranger. Later I'll let you choose the Ranger.

'Alright!' "Master Ranger Ranger Switch!" Naruto Swipes across the Morpher's screen. The Cards stop shuffling on Jungle Fury hold the Morpher so it face outward with the camera facing inward. The camera starts putting an image of the suit over Naruto's Master Ranger suit then it materialize there. "With the Strength of the Tiger, Jungle Fury Red Ranger!""

"A simple Transformation! It matters not." said Mizuki. Naruto charges at Mizuki and throws a punch.

"SPIRIT OF THE TIGER!" Naruto yells. Naruto jumps back and spins his hands together. He shoves his arms forward and a giant mechanical red and black tiger flies out and attacks Mizuki with its claws. "time for another Ranger!" Naruto grabs his morpher and swipes the screen. it stops on a Red Ranger with a bull motiff and a crystal in a bracer on the right arm. he holds out the phone morpher the same way as last time. The phone first holograms the suit over Naruto then Materalizes it on him." With the Rage of

the Butcher, Red Lantern 1!" Naruto pulled out a card and swipe it thru the card reader.


Two guns appear from the crystal and Naruto grab them. He starts shooting them while Mizuki dodges.

"Ok lets try a different weapon!" He takes another card out and swipes it thru the card reader.


A giant Broadsword appears in Naruto's hands from the crystal. He charges at Mizuki and swings the broadsword.

Master you are running low on energy you might have enough for a grand attack but you don't have other ranges.

Maybe I can use Shadow Clones.

Brillant Master.

"Alright Mizuki-teme Lets finish this.SHADOW CLONE JUSTU!" yelled Naruto. Four copies of Naruto pop into existance. They swipe across the screen of the morpher and transform in Other Red Ranger. Naruto copy 1 turns into Jungle Fury Red. Copy #2 turn in a Red ranger with a lion motiff. Copy#3 turns in a red ranger with a cape with a #4 turns in into a red ranger with a car motiff. Orginal Naruto turns in a red ranger with a katana with a spinner and a disc as the hilt.

"ULTIMATE RED ATTACK!" yell the 5 copy of Naruto. The 3rd copy summons up a firestorm. the Lion motiff and Jungle fury Red storms forward and slams their fist into Mizuki then Orginal Naruto and Clone #4 slam their weapons into Mizuki and Clone#3 close the fire storm. The clones dispell and Naruto demorphs.

"Naruto that was amazing! Close your eyes." said Iruka. Naruto close them and feels a weight on his forehead. He opens his eyes and sees Iruka without a headband. Naruto Whoops and jumps in the air.

"Yes!"said Naruto.


I don't own this all credit goes to

KaixShadowBane of

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