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"Bahahahahaha" Spongebob's obnoxious laugh sounded throughout the living room I smiled and stuff some more popcorn in my face.

I've been watching the show since I was a little kid and I still love it.

Me and my best friend Justin used to watch all the time, but he doesn't watch it much with me anymore. He only picks on me for still watching it.

Suddenly, I heard the front door open and close. "Hey, shorty!" A voice called. I recognized the voice instantly.

Justin stepped into my living room and plopped down onto the couch next to me.

"You know, just because you're freakishly tall doesn't mean you have to pick on people that are shorter than you." I told him. He chuckled.

"Okay, first, I'm not freakishly tall, you're just freakishly short. And second I only pick on you." He replied, beginning to tickle me.

I squirmed and slapped his hands away.
He chuckled again and looked at the TV.

"Ugh! Spongebob again?" He asked, disgust in his voice. "Don't be mean to SpongeBob!" I said.

"Fine. Then SpongeBob's going bye-bye." He said, snatching The remote from my hands and changing the channel.

"Justin!!" I yelled, going for the remote. He quickly stood up and held it high above his head. I stood up on the couch and tried to grab it, But I'm just too short. (I'm barely 5'2)

"Justin it's my house and my TV, I'm in charge." I told him. "Correction. It's your mom's house and your mom's TV." He said.
"Well she's not here so that leaves me in charge." I argued.

"No. I'm older so I'm in charge." He objected. "You're older by one day!" I exclaimed. "And don't you forget it." He said, sitting back down and pulling me down with him. He laid my head in his lap as he turned on a college football game.

I wrinkled my nose in disgust. Don't get me wrong, I like football. Just not college football.

Oh well. I guess he's in charge, being the older one and all. Jerk.

I still love him though. He's like a big brother.

Justin is older than me by one day he was born on March 1st, and I was born on the next day March 2nd.

Our parents met in the hospital and quickly became friends. Then they introduced Justin and I to each other. Being newborn babies and what not, we couldn't say, "Hey! I like you, let's be friends." But I guess we liked each other.

Then, ironically, Justin's family moved in across the street from us. Growing up, We hung out every day.

Then, when we were six, my parents started getting into these awful arguments. Months later, they filed for divorce. Justin was there for me through all of it. He still is, even to this day.

Divorce is something that can have some long lasting effects.

My mom stayed in our house while my dad moved into a smaller house about 5 miles away. Being a police officer here. he couldn't really move out of town.

Unfortunately, with my dad being a cop, I don't see him as much as I like to when I'm at his house. I go there every other week, but with him being gone so much, my mom wants to change that to weekends only. And of course, my dad doesn't want that and thus, another thing they can't agree on.

sometimes, they can argue about the stupidest little things and they're not even married anymore. I can hear my mom on the phone sometimes, shouting at him.

I hate it. I hate it so much. Sometimes it's bad enough to make me cry.

When I can't handle it, I go over to Justin's and he just holds me. Then he'll make me laugh, we'll watch a movie, have a sleepover, and in the morning, he'll try to make breakfast in the morning and nearly burn the house down. Literally, that almost happened once. Luckily his mom was home to save Justin from destroying their house.

"What are you thinking about?" Justin's soothing voice sounded, pulling me from my thoughts.

I shrugged. "Just stuff."

He smiled and pulled me up so that I was sitting on his lap. He kissed my temple and held me tightly against his chest.

I smiled to myself, feeling a sense of safety, being in my best friends arms.

One Day ||J.B.||Where stories live. Discover now