chapter two ** he left me**

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Taylor's POV
I just sat here thinking about what to so to myself. The door bell rang so I went to answer it "Jax what are you doing here?" Taylor please let me in he said. I let him in and sat on the couch.

Jax's POV
Taylor you can't just keep locking yourself away this isn't like you. I said to her. YOU DONT KNOW WHAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH AT THE AGE 13 SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. she yelled at me, she has never lost her temper like ever. I got up and was about to say something but the door slammed in my face. I came over here to tell her that I was leaving but I couldn't I love her.

Taylor'ѕ POV
I yelled at him I have never done that. I wish he knew what was going on I run upstairs and cry because its hard not knowing when there going to leave you.

Next morning

I got up at 12 in the after noon not caring. I called Jax and it went straight to voice mail. He usually answers me when I call him. I start to cry because I realize that he left me.

Few months later

Taylor's POV
Months passed and I haven't seen Jax. My mind has gotten worse and all I ever do these days is sleep, or think. I'm always alone I have no one. I stopped going to school because of all the bullying. Their was nothing there for me. I still get hate on a daily bases but that's nothing new. I self harm even more than I did. Jax always used to stand up for me and now he's gone. Since I think he's not coming back I figured that I might as well tear myself apart. His mom checks on me and she tells me that Jax will be back. The only thing she doesn't know is that when he comes back k I won't be here. I will be dead. I will finally be with my family. I was supposed to die in that car crash and my sister was supposed to be here not me.

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