Him and Me- Twenty Seven.

Start from the beginning

My eyelids feel heavy, and it felt like my eyes were closing on their own. I extended an arm to reach for my pillow which was leaning against the wall, when my hand collided with something solid. With scrunched eyebrows, I lifted my head and looked at the object that hit my hand.

It was my phone.

Suddenly I bolted up, wide eyed, as I remembered that I was exchanging text messages with Kyle this afternoon. I had completely forgotten about it. I hurriedly grabbed my phone and stared at the screen, eyebrows furrowed in worry. As I looked at my phone, a heavy feeling settled within me and I bit my lip, my shoulders deflating.

Three messages and five missed calls.

The missed calls were all from Kyle. Slapping my forehead, I cursed myself for not bringing my phone with me. Oddly enough it was Colby who I remembered, that time when he told me that I should always bring my phone with me, that night at the Bowl-O-Rama. I sighed, and proceeded to read the messages.

No reply? :-) You don’t have to say I miss you back haha.

On to the next.

Kayla? Was that awkward or something? I’m calling, but you’re not answering. Is something wrong?

The bite on my lip became harder, and I had to release it before I drew blood. Licking my lower lip in an attempt to ease the pain, I opened the last message.

I guess you’re busy. Call me or message me back when you can.

I scrunched my eyes shut, and slumped down again in my bed, massaging my temples. It was already close to midnight, Kyle might already be sleeping or if not, he was probably really tired from basketball camp. Plus, I had enough for today—I had to rest. Sleep was a beautiful thing, and I needed it, right now. My eyes were already closed, my arm draped over my forehead.

You could just imagine my despair when my phone suddenly rang.

It was enticing to just cancel the call, or to just let it ring, but I didn’t want to purposely press the reject button and the sound was getting too annoying. Without looking who was calling, I put my phone against my ear and barked, “Hello?”

“Did I wake you?”

Before I could answer, Colby continued.

“’Cause if I did, I’m sorry and I’m hanging up right now.”

I rolled my eyes as I shifted to my side, holding the phone next to my ear. “Don’t be so dramatic.”

“You know me, born to be an actor.”

Despite my tiredness, I managed a small smile. “Whatever, dork.”

I heard Colby gasp. In a mock surprised voice he said, “That’s it? You must be tired.” He let out a low whistle.

The only response I had was a yawn, making Colby chuckle. In my sleepy haze, I blinked rapidly, trying to stay awake. Drowsily I said, “You missed me already huh? Calling me this time of night and all, when we already spent the whole afternoon together.”

“I just can’t stay away,” he shot right back. “You must’ve put a spell on me or something.”

I burst out laughing, in the process removing some of the sleepiness away. Turning to lay down on my back, I stared at my ceiling, with Orion’s belt the first thing that came to view.

“Thanks for making Matty apologize, though it wasn’t really necessary,” he said. I rolled my eyes and was about to retort, but Colby cut me off.

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