CHAPTER 2. Young, Beautiful, Smart and yet clueless.

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As the memory of the night Aksana lost her parents replays in her mind tears trickle down her cheeks. Has it really been 16 years that I've been trapped in this hell hole?She thought.

After that night, all she could remember was being put in a sack, carried for hours and hours, where to? She had no idea. After what seemed like years she awoken in a dark cell that included; A small bed, rats, a horrible odor, a small window, and no door to exit from. As food and water was passed to her from a small whole in the wall by an anonymous person, all she could do was wait patiently and gaze out the window for hours, days, years and hope that some day, she would escape and kill the thing that took everything away from her.

She began to weaken day by day. She lost everything she had. Her only family, her kingdom, the people who cared about her, she lost her home.

I might as well die she thought. Until suddenly, the bricks from the wall exploded in a bang, bricks flew everywhere. One hitting Aksana on the head, which left her unconscious.

A few hours later, she opens her eyes to find herself in a large, wide, beautiful bedroom. As she lay on a big comfy bed she gazed around the suite. Flowers in vases, lots of pillows, carpets, and as she looked up at the ceiling her eyes stung from the pain of the light radiating from the chandelier that was hung.

As her eyes adjusted to the light, she realized someone was in the room with her. From her back point of view, all she could see was a long black cloak. Panic rushed through her veins, what if he was to harm her? But as he turned around, her heart skipped a few heart beats and all the fear was gone. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen. He was pale with sky blue eyes that glittered, sandy blonde hair that was a little messy, beautiful bone structure with sharp features.

Aksana was speechless, all she could do was stare without saying a word.

"How are you feeling?" He asked in a sweet voice.

Aksana, still confused, finally realized she had quite a big bruise on her head that ached badly. She pressed her hand to it to soften the pain.

"Oh, I'm fine thank you for asking."She said, in an obviously nervous voice.

He smiled at her response which made her heart beat faster. How embarrassing of me, now he probably thinks I'm lame Aksana hastily thought, frowning.

"If it's not so rude to ask, who are you? And what happened to me?"Asked Aksana.

"My name is Mathias Vandelor" He said proudly.

"And I came to rescue you, but a brick hit your head and you passed out as me and a few soldiers tried to break the wall. Sorry about that."He smiled with a hint if regret in his voice. "You were imprisoned by the Vongols."He frowned, his hatred towards them showing.

"The vongols? Now who are they?" She asked, confused.

"A heartless clan, would kill a mother who bares a child with not one hint of sadness or sorrow."He answered, lowering his gaze to the floor.

"You said you rescued me... why now? Why not 15 years ago?" She asked rudely. A little more rude than she intended.

"Because, that wasn't the right time."Mathias said in an apologetic tone.

Aksana ignored all that and went straight to asking how exactly he knew who she was.

"You, princess, are the key to what they desire. Your name has been mentioned in the books since before your grandparents were born."

This was too much for her to bare at the moment.

"The key that will unleash an unbelievably evil force. Your life, holds the lives of thousands of people." He continued.

He needed to stop, now, thought Aksana.

"Soon, you will play your part-"

"Stop it. Please. " She cut him off.

Surprise crossed his face, but faded in a few seconds.

"Very well then. If you need me, all you have to do is ring that bell" He pointed at the middle sized bell next to her bell, and left the room without saying another word.

"What in the world is going on!? I'm the key? To something evil? I hold the whole world's lives?" She said aloud talking to herself. And now he thinks I'm rude and obnoxious and ungrateful cause i didn't thank him. Great, she thought, falling back onto the bed.

If you guys don't like it, tell me so I don't bother continuing, if u do please vote and comment :)

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