CHAPTER 1.Young, Beautiful, Smart and yet clueless.

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Cuddled up in a warm and cozy crib. The soothing sound of a violin in the backround. As she slowly opens her eyes, two faces soflty gaze down at her with sweet smiles. Her beloved parents. King and queen of Irania. They loved her, adored her, would sacrifice their lives for her. Oh, and of course she was the future ruler of their precious kingdom of light. Sadly, this is only a memory. None of it lasted for long because of course, everybody knows that there's no such thing as a "Happy Ending". Something will EVENTUALLY ruin it and take it all away from a number of unlucky people. Aksana, unfortunately, was one of those people.

Here is the sad and tragic story of how it all happened;

It was a beautiful day in the kingdom of Irania. Children played and laughed and humming birds hummed and chirped. Aksana, just a child, cradled in her mother's arms. Her father, stroking her soft hair. She could never feel safer than she did now, this was her sanctuary. Where absolutely no evil will approach her, or her parents, or the people of Irania. "Everything will be okay my darling Aksana. You're safe and always will be, fear nothing."Her father whispers, reassuring her.

Just as all three were enjoying a lovely moment a guardsman barges in tumbling on the few toys left on the floor for the child. As he tries to speak, no words escape his lips, he was breathless, terrified. "Egore, what's wrong? What's going on?" Demands the king in a worried tone.

"Your highnesses, look out the window! I do not know what is happening! Something has invaded our lands!" Egore cries.

As they both run to the window to see, they both go into silent shock.

The light blue sky was now a black hole that has darkened the whole kingdom. Cold wind blew their faces with cold drops of rain. The flowers that grew in the fields were now nothing other than gray ash and dust. All the chickens, birds, rabbits, everything, dead.Children were crying, babies were screaming, parents were worrying.

What on earth was going on!? Thought king Erik, when suddenly, they hear a sound. A dreadful noise that echoed in their ears. Like some kind of horrible creature. All the citizens flee to their homes to hide in their cellars for protection from whatever was out there. Queen Ireen automatically runs to Aksana, grips her tight and bolts for the dungeons to keep safe, forgetting everything else. Egore and the rest of the guards follow her, not knowing what to do.

After she got there, she realized her husband wasn't one of whom were fleeing with her. She quickly panics and starts calling his name. Then the same sound roams through the hallways, but this time, it was closer, louder. Tears start trickling down her cheeks. She did not care about her own safety, but the safety of her beloved husband and the people of her kingdom and most of all, her daughter. A few seconds of pure fear and panic and then suddenly, sound stops, and all they heard was.. nothing.

Everybody around could hear each other's unsteady, unhealthy, loud heartbeats. Fear was spreading, faster than ever. The stillness and silence was painful. Almost too painful it made the queen's heart ache. She took this chance of thinking of what to do, where to hide her child, keep her safe, and to go find her husband. Looking around, hopeless, she remembers her great grandfather telling her about a secret area in the dungeons that absolutely no one knew. A secret area that only Ireen could figure out. His words rewinded in her head over and over as he called it his sanctuary. "The key to my sanctuary is buried in your heart, Plant it out and you'll never grow apart". The key.. The key to my sanctuary.. I don't have time to think for that! Thought Ireen, when it suddenly hit her. The key.. Is love? The key is love! Her love and affection for Aksana is the key.

The sound of bricks moving and displacing behind her, as she turns she sees the bricks from the walls have moved and revealed a small passage way. As she squeezes her way in, something forcefully pulls her back, leaving Aksana rolling into the secret sanctuary. The baby cries as it tumbles down the rocks, scared, lonely. The backround of the guards screaming in fear, and her father.. Where was her father? On top of that all, the sound of the agonized screams and cries from her mother that grew louder every second. Then, Silence..And darkness..

Young, Beautiful, Smart and yet Clueless.Where stories live. Discover now