Chapter 28

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Killian had lasted until Christmas, but he had to lug around a portable oxygen tank. He had quit school and was doing his classes online. Emma was there with him as much as she could be. She wasn't home much, but both of her parents knew why. Killian was dying, and there was no stopping it. He had refused all treatments and medicines, and it broke Emma's heart, but she couldn't force him. Ingrid was ready to drop everything for her nephew, but Killian's heart hadn't given out yet. He wanted to last until New Year's. His first and last Christmas and New Year's with Emma. He wanted to be the one to kiss her at midnight, no matter what. So, on Christmas Day, here he was, with Emma in his bedroom. He had gotten her two gifts, and she had gotten him some presents as well.

"Open yours first," she chanted. She was practically bouncing on the bed with excitement. He laughed and tore the wrapping paper and opened the box, finding a brand new leather jacket in his hands. His mouth dropped as he held it in his hands. "I wasn't sure what to get you." Killian tore the wrapping paper to his next gift, and he smiled. It was the cologne he wanted from when they went to the mall around Thanksgiving. "Well?"

He looked up and tears were in his eyes, because she remembered. "They're perfect." He got off the bed and put the new jacket on. It had more pockets and it was more snug and comfortable than his last one. He sprayed the cologne and he clicked his tongue as he pointed at her like they did in the movies. "How do I look?"

"Adorable." She leaned up to kiss him and he sat back down on the bed in front of her.

"My turn." He leaned over the bed and grabbed two small boxes. His elbows were on his knees as he watched her open her presents. He couldn't wait to see her face. She opened the first box and saw a flash drive with a clip art picture of a swan on it. "It's a video file. It has all of our special moments on it." She leaped forward and hugged him. "Love, you still have one more."

She pulled away and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I know. I just had to hug you." Emma opened the next box and gasped when she saw a heart shaped locket. She opened the locket and saw a picture of them together on Halloween. She was dressed as a beautiful princess and he was dressed as a pirate. Complete with a hook for his left hand and eyeliner under his eyes. She wore a blue gown that night and he was dressed head to toe in leather. "Killian," she whispered, not knowing where her voice had gone.

"Have I left the Emma Swan speechless?" He asked sarcastically.

Tears were now streaming down her face. "It's perfect and beautiful and I love it." He grabbed the locket from her hands and motioned for her to turn around so he could put it on her.

"This is my favorite picture of us," he whispered in her ear as he clipped the necklace into place. He wrapped his arms around her and she reveled in his embrace, knowing she wouldn't get to have him hold her much anymore.

"Mine too," she whispered back. She played with the locket in her fingers. "That was a fun night."

"Remember when we kept playing Ding Dong Ditch on your parents?"

She laughed. "They were so mad."

"No, no, not they. You father was furious."

"My mom thought it was hilarious."

He laughed and so did she. "You made a beautiful princess, but I think there is a little bit of pirate in you, Swan."

"Maybe." She turned her head and pressed her lips to his in a sweet kiss.

"Just imagine you and me in an actual fairytale, love," Killian said when they pulled apart to breathe. "You'd be the princess that is excited to be Queen, but then me, the devilishly handsome pirate, comes and kidnaps you, and then we'd fall in love."

"That would be quite the tale," she laughed. The snow began to fall outside. It was certainly cold enough for it to lay on the ground, and Emma smiled. "Look," she pointed to the window.

"I always loved it when it snowed," He told her. "Just being huddled up inside, wrapped up in the blankets, drinking tea or coffee while watching the snow fall. It was a beautiful sight."

"Yeah." She ran her fingertips over his hand and arm as they watched the snow fall. "It's a white Christmas, Killian."

"It is, isn't it?" He pressed a kiss to the spot just below her ear. "Lay down?"

Emma nodded and they faced the window, watching as the snow fell. They cuddled up next to each other in the warm blankets. One hand was holding onto his, while her other was gripping her locket tightly. Laying there in the bed with Killian, it was easy to forget about all responsibilities and worries. Everything that made them stressed out. Everything that hung over their heads. It was like a dream neither of them wanted to wake up from. But, one movement, one blink of an eye, and everything came rushing back.

Killian nuzzled his head in her neck, encouraging her to sleep. She squeezed his hand and he squeezed back, reassuring her that he was there. As Emma relaxed, her grip on her necklace loosened, but her grip on his hand never did. She wanted this all to be a terrible nightmare. That Killian didn't have cancer. That he wasn't dying.

But this was the calm before the storm, and the real problems were yet to begin.

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