Chapter 20

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Emma watched as Neal and Killian fought. She had no idea what to do or how to feel about having two guys fight over her. She wasn't scared, but just confused. She figured she'd run and hide until she was sure everything was good again. She ran to the closest bathroom and ran into a stall and covered her ears with her hands. The door opening a few minutes later caught her off guard.

"Emma?" She knew that voice. It was Regina. "I know you're in here. I won't tell either of them where you went, I figured you just wanted to talk and get something off your chest."

Emma hesitantly stood up and unlocked the stall door and came out of hiding. "Maybe I do need to talk."

"Do you want to start with why those guys were fighting over you?"

"Neal and I went out a few months ago, and he broke up with me, and now claims that he wants me back. Killian just gets really protective. He doesn't like Neal."

Regina laughed. "Well I gathered that. But running won't make them stop, you have to talk to them both."

"I've told Neal that I didn't like him anymore. He just doesn't want to give up."

"And what about Killian?"

"His protectiveness is really cute." A smile formed on Emma's face when thinking about him. "It doesn't bother me because if he can get Neal to actually figure out that I don't want to be with him anymore, then I'm fine with it."

Regina gave a small smile. "I better get back there before the fight ends so no one suspects anything. Good luck, Emma."

She nodded and watched as Regina left the bathroom. She sighed and leaned against the wall. The bathroom was empty. Everyone was too busy watching the fight between Killian and Neal unfold. After five more minutes, Emma left the bathroom and quickly found her friends sitting together. Killian stood up and put his hands on her upper arms. "I'm sorry. I-I just wanted to protect you, love. I know you don't like him," he quickly explained.

"I can take care of myself."

"I know, just, forgive me?"

Emma nodded and hugged him. They sat back down, holding each other's hands. Emma and Killian decided to walk home after school. It wasn't a very long walk, but the weather was nice.

"So, Swan, there's a dance coming up," Emma smirked when he scratched at a spot behind his ear. "And I was wondering if maybe, you'd like to-"


Killian groaned when he heard Neal's voice. Emma took a deep breath, already prepared for the fight that was going to start.

"Yeah, Neal?"

"Hey, yeah, can I borrow her for one second please? Thanks." Neal grabbed Emma's hand and pulled her away from Killian. She didn't have to look behind her to know that he wasn't too happy because of the action. "Sorry, he'll probably hit me again."

"I know. But being a few feet away from him isn't a very smart move. He could just walk over here-"

Neal held his hand up and stopped her from talking. "Emma, I love you."

"I know. But I don't love you. Our relationship was never meant to last. You proved that."

"Go out on one date with me. I'll show you that I want to be with you."

"I already have a boyfriend!"

"Emma, cmon, I'll do anything."

"You can leave me the hell alone."

"Fine. Friends?"

She was slightly shocked when all Neal did was hold his hand out for her, ready to shake. She slowly brought hers up and shook his hand. "Friends." He smirked at her and tugged on her hand, and suddenly, her lips her one his. Emma pounded on his chest to try to get him away from her, but his grip was stronger.

The kiss broke when Killian pushed Neal to the ground, and began to raise his fists and punch him in any place that he could. Emma reached up and touched her lips, still feeling the lingering touch of Neal. She heard grunts and looked down, to find Killian on top of Neal, beating the shit out of him. Blood was dripping down Neal's face and bruises were already starting to form. She ran to Killian and put her hands on his arms and tried to hold him back and restrain him from doing more damage to Neal.

"Killian! Killian, stop! You're going to kill him!" She yelled, and he started to calm down. He pulled back and stood up.

"Don't ever go near her again." Killian picked up his book bag that had been tossed onto the ground and started walking away.

"Killian, we can't leave him there!"

"Watch me."

"Hey!" She grabbed his arm and spun him around so he was now facing her. "What the hell was that?"

"He kissed you," Killian's voice broke. "I didn't want all of those feeling that you had to come back, and you would leave me."

"I'm not going anywhere. You have to trust me."

"I do trust you, love. I just don't trust him."

"Just because you are jealous of someone, doesn't give you the right to almost kill him," Emma sighed and looked back to Neal who was laying on the ground. "I'll call an ambulance and stay with him. Go back to your house."


"Please. I'll call you when I'm done." Killian nodded slightly. A look of worry on his face. Emma leaned up and cupped his face. She brought his face to hers and bumped his nose with hers. He let out a laugh and closed the gap and kissed her. "I'll be fine," she whispered on his lips when they pulled apart.

"I know," he replied. He kissed her one last time before pulling away completely. "I eagerly await your call."

She giggled and watched him walk away before going over to Neal and calling an ambulance. She checked for a pulse and checked if he was still breathing. When he was, she sat by his side and waited for the siren sound to get closer.

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