Chapter 24

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The restaurant was just as perfect as Killian described. The lighting was dimmed in order to see the stars. Light music played in the background, and it was just a completely romantic setting. Killian ordered steak and potatoes for himself while Emma ordered a salad. The waitress was young, and it didn't go unnoticed when she started staring at Killian. Emma clenched her fists under the table and tensed up. He looked at her across the table and chuckled.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing," he said innocently.

"No, no. Why are you laughing at me?"

"You're just so bloody adorable." She wasn't buying it, and he could tell. He sighed and leaned back in the chair, smirking at her, "and you say I have a jealousy problem."

"Please," she scoffed. "I am not jealous."

"You are!"

Emma crossed her arms over her chest in defeat. "At least I never tried to kill someone because of it."

"Not yet." Emma opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, and Killian cocked his eyebrow, challenging her. But when she shut her mouth, he chuckled again. "I win." She rolled her eyes and kicked him under the table. He laughed and nudged her back.

Emma's phone began to ring and she went to grab her clutch. She grabbed her phone and saw Ruby's name lit up on the screen. She slid the answer button over to accept the call. "What's up?" Emma asked, still smiling as Killian batted her foot back and forth with his.

"Where'd you go? Elsa thought she saw you and Killian come in, but you are nowhere to be found," Ruby explained. The sound of people talking and music playing in the background was loud.

"We decided to ditch the dance. We're at a restaurant right now. And no, I'm not telling you which one. You'll follow us here and demand food."

"Will not!"

"It's happened before, Ruby." Killian chuckled beside her and it made a smile tug at her lips. "Got to go."

"Have fun with Killian at the restaurant," Ruby said suggestively.

"We really are at a restaurant!"

"Sure, Emma," she said sarcastically.

"No really! We aren't doing anything like that. We're sitting at-" Emma cut herself off, realizing that this was Ruby's plan. "Goodbye, Ruby."

"So close," Ruby whispered before hanging up.

Killian grabbed Emma's hand from across the table. "Have you told anyone?"

She shook her head, immediately knowing what he was talking about. "They'll know soon enough."

He nodded. "I've been working on a project," he began and leaned back in his chair.

"A project? What kind of project?"

"I couldn't tell you or else it wouldn't be a surprise."

"Cmon, tell me."

"Okay, here's a hint." He leaned forward and it motioned for her to do the same. "It involves us."

"Really? That's all you're gonna tell me?"

He nodded. "It wouldn't be fun if I told you." Their food came and the waitress was once again making eyes at Killian. Emma glared at the teenager as she walked away. He began laughing once again, and she kicked him again. "You should really see your face!" He said and clutched his stomach. Although she was mad, it was impossible to stay mad for long. He was just so cute.

They dug into their food without much more talking. Once they were finished, Emma looked up at the ceiling and saw the glass dome. The stars were bright in the inky black sky. The moon was nowhere in sight though. "It's beautiful," she whispered as she gazed up.

"Aye. But you're more beautiful than anything in this entire world."

She tried not to let the compliment affect her, but a blush rose to her cheeks that she couldn't help. His eyes were fixated on hers as she looked back down to him. The waitress brought the check and placed it on the edge of the table near Killian. He picked it up and sighed.

"What? Do you not have enough money? I can pay for my half," Emma said and grabbed her clutch.

"No, no, that's not it." He held up the piece of paper and waved it in the air. "That girl gave me her phone number." All Emma could see was red. She went to stand up and walk over to the woman, but Killian stopped her. "I'll take care of it, love." He kissed the top of her head and went over to the waitress.

Emma watched from the table as Killian leaned against the wall in a casual way in front of the teenager. He crossed his arms over his chest and watched as he began talking to the woman. Her shoulders sagged, and Emma could only assume that she was just a little disappointed about being rejected. He walked back over to the table and slipped his suit jacket on. He held his hand out for her and helped her up. "What did she say?" Emma asked as they walked to the doors.

"I told her that the lovely blonde in front of me was my girlfriend, and that if she didn't stop making eyes at me, the blonde was going to punch the daylights out of her."

"Good boy," Emma told him and ruffled his hair. They got into the car and Killian started the drive back to his aunt's house.

"What time are you supposed to be back?"

Emma shrugged. "My parents know I'm staying out late. It doesn't matter."

"Good. That means I get to be with you for a little while longer."

When they pulled up in front of his house, he fished his keys from his pocket and they went inside. They went up to his room and she looked around. The room was messy with clothes all over the ground, and he rushed around to clean it up. "Sorry, love. I really didn't expect you to come over," he told her.

"Hey, relax. It's okay." She sat down on his bed and smoothed out her dress. "Do you think I could borrow something of yours to wear? This dress is kinda scratchy."

"Sure." He went over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. He handed them to her and she stood up. "The bathroom is down the hall and to the left."

She nodded and went to change her clothes. She took the pins out of her hair and removed her makeup. She gathered up her dress and shoes and took them back to Killian's room. He was already laying on the bed with his laptop on his chest, with Netflix loading on the screen. She draped her dress over a chair and laid down next to him. As he put on a movie, Emma wanted nothing more than for this peaceful moment to last forever.

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