No words were said for the rest of the film, but they stayed in the same position.

By the time it had finished, Zelda was fast asleep on Link, even though it was only 8 pm.

So... This is what it's like He thought as he wriggled out of that position and laid Zelda's head down gently. Seeing her so quiet and peaceful made him smile as he stroked her cheek. He never wanted to move out of that moment, he felt like he could show his true colours and not be embarrassed about it.

He picked her up carefully like he was her knight in shining armour rescuing her, like the games they played when they were kids. Link carried Zelda into his bedroom so she could sleep comfortably in his bed, and they had school tomorrow so he didn't want her to be cranky.

He gently put her down and covered her with the duvet that was on his bed. He stood over her for a few more seconds before whispering.

"Goodnight, princess" He said, turning around and nearly leaving the room.

"Link" She muttered. It didn't alarm him though, as he knew she sleep talked and had very creative dreams that lead her to mumble weird things.

He left the room and went back to the TV area, not wanting to invade her privacy for any longer.


Zelda awoke at 6 am, which was around an hour too early. When she woke up she questioned why she was in Link's bed and not in the TV area, but then remembered that she fell asleep on Link and worked out that he probably carried her there and slept where she started to.

Idiot... He shouldn't have done this for me. I know he loves his sleep. She thought as she sat up and stretched. As her brain started waking up with her body, she immediately realised something.

She'd starting recording herself whilst she was sleeping, to see if she was sleep talking and if she were, if what she was saying had anything to do with her dreams. From the results she gathered, most of the time she'd been muttering things about Link and even just his name sometimes. Since he obviously moved her and spent an extended amount of time with her whilst she was sleeping, the chances of him hearing things and getting weirded out were high.

"God dammit!" She slammed her hand onto the bed and covered her red face with the other.

She stood up and tiptoed out of the door, to see Link completely out under the blanket him and Zelda were under the previous night. He looked really uncomfortable so Zelda couldn't help but feel guilty.

She walked around so she was closer to him, and smiled at his resting face.

"You even blush in your sleep" She whispered, a big grin on her face as she knelt down. Even though she was talking and he wasn't replying, it felt completely normal anyway. "I keep dreaming about you and you drive me nuts by being around. Tell me you get this too? Please just tell me what this is" Although she was fully aware she wasn't going to get a reply, she still felt lighter now that things were off her chest. She probably would've said it anyway though, she was good at confessing her feelings.

Link started to wake up so Zelda quickly walked away into the bedroom and jumped onto his bed.

That was close... she thought.

Link walked into the room and saw Zelda in a starfish position staring at the ceiling.

"Um... You alright there?" He said, scratching the back of his head and squinting. Zelda sat up as soon as she realised he was there.

"Yeah! Perfectly fine!" She awkwardly laughed as she got some well deserved weird looks.

"Okay then... I'm gonna make some breakfast, What do you want?" He asked her, yawning in the middle of it.

"Oh, I'm not hungry. I wouldn't want to cause more trouble for you" She said, hanging her head down.

"Trouble? Are you in the same world as me right now? I'll make us both some toast" He smiled warmly, then left the room and walked into the kitchen.

Zelda stood up and composed herself, then walked into the kitchen, where Link had an apron over his pajamas.

She chuckled at his bed head as she looked at him on his tiptoes trying to reach the jam from the back.

"Why are you wearing an apron? You're only making toast" She started helping link by getting the plates out.

"AH!" He shrieked as he didn't expect her to be there.

"Funny, you got more scared by that than you did by the film last night" She was putting jam on her own toast, as Link looked over slightly and saw her tongue stick out to the side as she concentrated.

"Ha... Yeah..." He blushed and looked away as he remembered last night, and the things that happened.

Things stayed silent until they'd both sat down at the table and started eating.

"Thanks for letting me stay over" Zelda said, looking down.

"No problem" Link knew he had to say something else or Zelda would still somehow feel guilty. "We should do it again! It was fun!" He smiled at her, although he was trembling.

"Was it really? I mean, you had to sleep on the floor..." She still had the same guilty look in her eye.

"I'm not complaining. Besides, at least we were both with each other. To me that makes everything better anyway" He choked on his toast, he didn't mean for that to slip out and was unguarded.

"Thanks, Link. It does for me, too" She smiled and lightly chuckled at seeing obviously flustered Link panic.

Link finished his toast and then dropped his plate in the sink. He was extremely embarrassed, and wanted to get out of the pajamas as soon as possible. It was like they had some sort of aura which made him blush heavier.

He changed into some different clothes than the previous day, then walked out to see Zelda also changed and packing up the rest of her things into her Mary Poppins bag. He immediately started to help her, and before they knew it, it was time to start walking to school.

Link zipped up the bag and got it on his shoulders.

"Link, I told you that-" Zelda tried to interrupt him, but he continued.

"And I told you that I'm carrying it. Just meet me where we usually meet at the end of the day" He said, smiling at her.

"O-okay. If you're sure" She said, as she opened to door and locked it once they had both left.

I Wonder - Zelink Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now