CHAPTER #29- Bringing Down The House

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Min asked, "Simon did you know all along that she could do that?"

"Only found out last night. And it was just luck that Jay picked her."

Jay snorted, "the rest of the game she was your worst player. We took a vote and everyone thought so."

Simon smirked and shrugged his shoulders, then dribbled the ball through his legs and did a little one on one with Jay.

"Guys, you two are just way too competitive to start something now. I'm hungry, let's go eat," Gonzo said and took the ball from the two co-Ceo's of AOMG.

When they all arrived, Nari and Mi-hi had the sixteen chairs in place surrounding the round table. A large central lazy suzan, had some table top bbqs that were set in a triangle, amidst a huge assortment of other dishes, and sides. Chopsticks and plates, sat in front of each chair.

"To the right are drinks in those bins with ice. Once Nari and I sit down, you all are on your own," Mi-hi explained.

"You heard her, let's eat. They're not your servers, so get your own drinks." Jay announced to everyone, as they chose their seats.

As it turned out the circle around the table had Nari between Jay and Simon D. Beside Simon D was Min, then Dok2, Hoody, Office girl #1 (Nari could never remember those girls' names), Cha Cha, Elo, Dj Wegun, The Quiett, the other Office girl, Dj Pumkin, Hep, Gray, Mi-hi and Jay. Gray and Dok2 lit the table top barbecues.

Before anyone began, Jay stood up. "First I would like to thank Nari for hosting this feast and Mi-hi for helping her set it up. " Everyone raised their glasses and said cheers.

Simon D also stood up. "Jay and I wanted to show our appreciation to all of you for your hard work. We hope to make this basketball game an annual AOMG company get together."

"We also want to thank our illionaire brothers; Gonzo and The Quiett for being our refs. Show your iLL love," Jay added. Everyone put their iLL signs in the air, out of respect for the other company.

Nari also stood, when Jay and Simon sat down. "And I want to thank all of you. To me everyone here is my family and extended family. Now dig in!"

It was noisy during the feast, but as Nari looked around at each of the faces, everyone was happy and smiling. She too smirked, seeing Dok2 flirt with Min and vice versa.

"Did you plan Jay and Mi-hi to sit together?" Simon whispered in Nari's ear.

"No, but that makes match making easier." She replied into his ear and then kissed his cheek.

"Should I bump Jay into her lap?" He chuckled.

Nari giggled, "wouldn't that be too obvious?"

Simon D smirked and raised an eyebrow. "By the way, thanks for inviting Min today. She needed a day like this; having fun and laughing."

"I like her. A few times when I watched Youtube of you on Oh My School, I loved her enthusiasm. She's a fantastic dancer," Nari explained.

Hoody asked, "does anyone else feel like we are the Knights of the Round Table?"

Elo laughed, "yeah, it seems that way."

"Well if Jay's the King, I'm not the Queen if that's what you're implying!" Simon laughed.

"How about there are two Kings?" Nari smiled.

"Simon D can be the King, I'm more of a Prince anyway," Jay chuckled.

"Nari is the Queen," Hep added.

"Shows how much he knows... as if I have any say in controlling you two," Nari mumbled under her breath.

Jay smirked and Simon D winked at her, making their Queen blush. Dok2 saw it all and was curious what secrets those three had between them. But two minutes later, Min distracted him completely and the thought was lost. Once the food and drink were done, people began to leave, in groups of two or three. In the end only Mi-hi, Jay, Simon D and Nari remained.

"I'm so full... my sister doesn't know what she missed!"

"Ugh... I still have to clean up and get this place set back up like an art studio," Nari groaned.

"We'll help," Jay reassured.

Together the four of them cleaned up and put away the table. Then they followed Nari's instructions of where the chairs would be put and how to set up the task areas. Once done, they went into her loft, to sit and relax a little. No sooner had Mi-hi sat down, when her cell rang.

"Hello?... yes I'm on my way home... yes I will start the new order tonight.... yeah, bye."

Jay inquired, "duty calls?"

"Yup. Nari I need a ride home." Mi-hi announced.

"I'll take you, Nari's done enough today....Is that okay with you?" Jay asked.

"Yes, thank you... see you later Nari... by Simon D!"

After they'd left, Simon D took his girlfriend into his arms. Snuggling into his embrace, she glanced up at him. "Today was so much fun... do you think everyone will forget my secret basketball skill by next year?"

He laughed. "Hopefully.... we might have to work on your lay-ups."

"If you're my teacher, we can't fail."

Simon Dominic: Doubling ForwardМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя