{4} People that I used to know

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Author's Note

First of all, I want to say .. THANK YOU so freaking much for the almost 400 views! This means the world to me! Thank you for your comments and votes! You're awesome!

Second of all, The day of the weekly updates will be on Saturday starting from now on.

Emma Roberts 

''Can you stop staring at them like a crazy person?'' Tori whispered with a goofy smile plastered on her face. ''I know they are really hot and all of that but believe me when I say, those two are trouble.'' She sighed taking a sip in her glass of wine.

Why is everyone saying bad things about them? My nosy side is killing me over here.

''I'm staring because they're staring.'' I protested. ''And it's actually getting uncomfortable.'' I added, slicing a piece of chicken.

''I went to school with them.'' She declared. You did?

''Really?'' I asked choking on a piece of chicken but quickly regaining my composure. ''Do you guys know each other?'' I inquired a little too curious for my own sake and then face-palming myself for the dumb question that just left my mouth. Of course, they do.

''Yes, we do.'' She grabbed her glass of wine again and finished the cup in two seconds. Okay. What's happening here?

''But you guys didn't even say hello to each other at the reception.'' I stated looking intrigued at her.

''We're not friends anymore.'' She informed me looking away and refilling her glass.

''Why not?'' I insisted.

She looked at me and sighed. Maybe she doesn't want to talk about it. We've only known each other for two hours, so I get why she doesn't want to share it with me. ''You want the short version or the long one?'' She asked taking me by surprise.

''Whatever you want to tell me.'' I replied smiling at her.

''Me, Chris and Brian were friends since kindergarten.'' She began putting her glass down. ''Brian is the one standing in front of Chris.'' She informed making a discrete signal with her hand. ''We were the three Musketeers.'' She said smiling. ''Every time one of us got in trouble, we would always stand up for each other, even if with that, we got into so many troubles in school and with our parents. We were close like that.'' She stated with a sad grin on her lips.

There was a pause. I waited for her to be ready to continue. ''Until Junior high, they started hanging out with other people and forgotten that I existed.'' She cleaned her mouth with her napkin. ''You see, I may look like the social type of girl, but the truth is that I'm not.''

''And let me guess, the other kids were very social?'' I asked looking over my shoulder and sending a death glare at the both of them, which they didn't see because they were too engaged in their conversation and then looked back at Tori.

''Yeah...'' She sighed. ''I tried to keep up with their pace, but the kids they hang out with were too complicated.'' She stated shaking her head in disapproval.

''How so?'' I inquired.

''Drugs and alcohol.'' She responded waving to the waitress to bring the deserts. ''Of course, they weren't addicts and all of that, but my parents would kill me if I ever did drugs.'' She informed, widen her eyes at me. ''And alcohol... Let's just say that I get wasted to fast, so it's not really funny getting drunk in fifteen minutes and then make out with some dude if you're not going to remember it the next day.'' She said this time with a small smile on her face. ''A girl got to have standards.'' She confidently stated shrugging. I laugh at her. Yeah, we do.

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