Chapter 3 The Plan

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Me and Scar walk towards the warehouse that Cye said the drug would be. A drug that turns innocents into monsters? I can't get that out my head. What does he mean by monsters?!

"Stop" Scar says as he puts a hand in front of me and points to a strange building "That's the Warehouse"

To me the building was just black but I could see about 15 red souls walking around in the building. Damn that's a lot. Scar points at what looks like to be a rock

"Hide there for now" he says

"If things get out of hand or my soul starts to get smaller..." Scar says expecting me to answer

"Beat the shit out of someone?" I ask

"Beat the shit of everyone" Scar corrects me as he puts on his gauntlets

Scar then sprints towards the building of around 15 red souls. I've learned a lot about souls lately like the color is a persons personality: red is powerful, orange is Bravery, green is Monster, blue is kind, white is calm, black is corrupted, purple is Smart and yellow is shy.

I look at the building from behind the rock and see 3 red souls that are normal and 1 orange soul, Scars winning! As the last 3 souls go small I noticed another soul but it was a mix of red and black...Crimson. I have never seen a crimson soul before. Is it a special mix or a strange mutation? I thought to myself, Trying to come up with a logical explanation but while drowning in my own thoughts I didn't even notice Scars situation. In a blink of an eye Scars orange soul got from normal to a very dangerous state of small. I quickly grab the hilt of my blade and dash to the Warehouse hoping to god that Scar isn't dead... 

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