Chapter 8

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Abby was almost beside herself as she and Tim pulled up to the hospital and found a parking space.

"What if he's seriously injured?" She asked agitatedly.

Tim shrugged, "I don't know," He replied honestly. "I just would rather be looking for what Gibbs asked me to look for rather than being here with you." He stopped as he realized what he had just said. "I don't mean it like that Abby, but what if someone has hurt Tony, I need him to be ok!"

Tim locked up the car and walked towards the hospital trying to keep up with Abby, "We are only staying for as long as it takes to calm you down as see that Tony is alright."

Abby nodded, clutching her bag tighter as if to reassure herself as she walked in through the automatic doors.

Tim approached the reception desk and showed the man standing behind the desk his badge. "I'm looking for Anthony DiNozzo Jr. Apparently he was admitted yesterday?"

The man typed rapidly on his keyboard and looked at his computer screen.

"He's in ICU, 8th floor, Dr Pitt is his attending." The man said helpfully.

"ICU!" Abby whispered fearfully and clutched at McGee's arm.

"Thank you." Tim replied and turned in the direction the man indicated.

Tony was tired, he hadn't slept, preferring instead to sit and stare in wonder at the young man in the bed next to him. This was his son. His and Maria's, the child he thought had died over 18 years ago. He wondered about all the things in this boy's life he had missed and he wondered what horrors the child had gone through since his mother had died. He had no doubt that Maria had kept her son from being an active part of the Macaluso family business, but since her death, with no one to protect him from either grandfather what had the boy been through. Could he, as the FBI had suggested, actually, be a cold blooded killer? His son? Would he finally find the child he had grieved for, only to lose him to the whim of a judge and jury?

Tony's face was lined with the worry for the fate of his son, these thoughts coupled with the thought that he might not even wake up. Brad Pitt had not come back with the results of the tests they had done on Tonio earlier and he was worried. Gibbs had left an hour ago after Tony had promised him he wasn't going anywhere and had gone to shower and change promising to bring Tony a go bag and food when he returned. For a few moments Tony lay his head next to his son's arm and closed his eyes.

After Tim had talked to the nurse about Tony's condition he walked over to Abby.

"He's down the corridor. I talked to the nurse they are concerned about his condition, however his test results haven't come back yet. Apparently his father is in with him."

Abby eyes went wide in surprise. "Tony's father? I thought he didn't have any contact with him?"

"MCGEE!" Gibbs' surprise was evident as he stepped out of the elevator and saw Abby and McGee standing just outside the door to Tonio's room.

"Boss? I... Abby..." McGee stuttered taken by surprise.

"Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs! Tony's hurt, why didn't you tell us!" She sobbed wrapping him in a hug.

Gibbs looked worried, "Tony's fine. Why are you here?" He asked, maneuvering himself so as not to drop the items he was holding.

Abby's tear stained eyes looked up at him, "He's not fine, he's here in the ICU. What did the FBI do to him!" Her voice rose higher as she talked.

"What's going on?" Tony opened the door and tiredly walked out, "There are sick.... Oomph..." He gasped as Abby flew to him and crushed him in a hug.

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