Chapter 3

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Tonio stretched and yawned as he awoke, a girl lay by his side, Con... something, he couldn't remember her name, but she was pretty and she had been a bridesmaid at Marco's wedding yesterday.

She stirred and looked up at him, "Good morning Tonio." She said sweetly.

Tonio smiled, "Good morning Bella."

She giggled as she moved to get up, he rolled his eyes when she couldn't see, but moved to allow her to take the blanket with her to the bathroom.

He grabbed some boxers and got up, walking to the window of Marco's large townhouse.

The door knocked and Tonio turned, "Come in?" He called.

Marco walked in, "Good Morning, Have you seen Conchita, her mother is looking for her?"

Tonio cocked his thumb in the direction of the bathroom.

Marco rolled his eyes, "I thought you were seeing Lia?"

Tonio shook his head, "She was last month, I was with Luisa, but met...?" he stopped as he realized he didn't even know the name of the girl in his bathroom.

Marco rolled his eyes, "Conchita!" He sighed.

"Yeah, her. Yesterday, she's in the bathroom."

Marco shook his head, "One day one of these girls will catch you."

Tonio smiled, a thousand watt smiled that reminded Marco of his late friend. "Never, I'm clever, not stupid."

Marco patted him on the head, "You make sure you are Tonio." He warned. "Get her moving her mother needs her help in the kitchens."

Tonio nodded and knocked on the door to the bathroom passing on the message.

"Hey?" He asked Marco as the older man headed to the door, "Are you and Rosanna going on a honeymoon?"

Marco laughed, "No, we have business today, get dressed and meet me downstairs in twenty minutes."

Tonio looked horrified. "Twenty minutes?! I need longer than that to look this good."

Marco grabbed Tonio's pants and threw them at him, "Get moving."

Tonio laughed and took the bathroom as Conchita left it.

Tony sat on a bench in a jail cell. He knew he wasn't guilty of killing that girl and he had no idea why he was being framed. It had only been a month ago that he had been undercover with Ziva, staying in a posh hotel being one of a pair of married assassins. Now he was in a jail cell, charged with murder and he had no idea how he was going to get out of it.

Gibbs walked up and handed him a pizza through the bars. Tony tried to play it off, not wanting his dad to worry, but in his panic revealing more about his relationship with his mother than he had ever said.

Gibbs raised an eyebrow in understanding as Tony mentioned that he had been dressed in sailor suits till he was ten years old.

The cell was bugged.

Tony and Gibbs both knew that hadn't happened. Well, not until he was ten anyway.

Gibbs nodded once in understanding, allowing Tony to monologue hoping the person listening would get bored of listening to him.

Eventually, when he realized that Tony was starting to believe himself, he motioned for his son to come closer, and he head slapped him.

Tony grinned. "Thanks Boss!"

"We are going to get you out of this DiNozzo." Gibbs promised, winked at his son and left.

A man in the next cell looked at him dangerously, but didn't say anything and Tony sank down on his bunk to eat his sausage cheese and pepperoni pizza.

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