Slates 8

56 15 3

I don't understand your motive.
Why do you do these things.
To the borrowed body.
Do the cuts help?

Does the knife cut deeper each time?
Tell me please.
Show me what you mean.
Do you do it to punish yourself?

Are you still crying those never ending tears.
Make me understand.
Make me see.
My vision is blurry,

I'm not so sure I can even see.
Tell me what I can do to help you,
I can see the pain clear in your eyes,
The sting isn't going to go away,

So tell me what to do.
I don't want to trip while I'm carrying  you.
Into the shadows that hold such darkness,
The plain to see slates that rest upon your skin.

Show me why.
Tell me why.
Make me understand why.
Why would you hurt yourself in these ways.
The depression is grave,

I understand that,
And yet I have the same thing.
I've told you I'm here,
I've told you you're not alone.

Don't burn your beautiful skin,
It's not worth it,
To ruin it all,
Fill it with such blood.

I don't understand.
Why you feel the need to relieve yourself of these burdens this way.
Pass them upon my shoulders,
And I'll help carry you.

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