Babe, It's alright. 5

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People make mistakes.
And eventually they break.
But no matter the blemish they leave in your life.
The mistake of another person is not your fault.

Never put that shame upon your shoulders.
So honey, put that down right now.
Put down that guilty pain.
It wasn't your mistake.

It's not your fault that he died.
Or even that she decided to cry.
It's all in your head.
So stop that,
And quit crying yourself red.
When it's your turn,
To come up to bat.

Then, and only then will it become your consern.
So be careful what you pick up.
It's not nice to keep what isn't yours.
Guilt is something to be rid of.

Unless it's your trifle.
For now, keep your head in the clouds.
You can come down when it's your turn.
No need to deceive yourself.

It's okay to be indolent for a change.
Your hard work will soon pay off,
Take a break,
Nothing is at stake.

It's fine,
To take a breather once in a blue moon.
Because after a while,
It'll change soon.
Enjoy what you have.

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