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It's another bright Monday morning and Dinah and I are on our way to pick up Normally because Ally's car broke down and they have no ride "get in bitches" I yelled out. Normani flips me off, while Ally just shakes her head at me.

"So have any of you heard from Queen popularity" Normani asked.

I huffed "yeah. Ran into her on Saturday when I went to take DJ to get clothes" I sighed "let's just say it didn't end pretty" I muttered "Lauren what do you mean" Ally asked. I signaled for Dinah to take over because I still didn't want to talk about it.

"What Lauren mean is, their friendship is...over. Camila choose being popular over her best friend" she tells them.

Normani sighs "I can't believe her. She really choose being popular over your ten year friendship?" I nodded "and the worst part is she didn't even seem sad. Like she was ok with it" I frowned deeply as I thought about it. It still hurts. Hope her new friends make her happy.

I parked the car, turned it off and got out. Dinah walks towards me and intertwined our fingers together. Ally and Normani smirked at us "so Lo, is Laurinah real" Normani asked as she wiggles her eyebrows. I looked at the ground as my cheeks turned red "not yet but we're definitely getting there" I said, winking at Dinah. Who was blushing like crazy. We all said our goodbyes and headed off to our first period.


During lunch Normani decided to Ally out for a lunch date so it was just me and Dinah. Instead of going to the cafeteria I decided to take her to the music room, since it's my favorite place in this school besides my garden behind the bleachers. Dinah's face lit up when she saw the piano "oh my gosh! I love the piano. I used to play all the time when I was younger" she tells me as she sat down at the piano "can you sing me something?" Dinah smiles shyly as she began.

"I stare at the girl in the mirror
T-shirt, torn up jeans, no beauty queen
But the way that you see me
You get underneath me
And all my defenses just fall away
Fall away

I am beautiful with you
Even in the darkest part of me
I am beautiful with you
Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
You're here with me
Just show me this and I'll believe
I am beautiful with you."

Dinah finished with a shy smile "d-did you like it?" I shook my head "no I didn't like it. I love it! Dinah your voice is incredible" I said. She let out a sigh of relief "do you really mean that?" I nodded as I moved closer to her "of course I do. Your voice is beautiful DJ" I said looking deep into her beautiful brown eyes.

Dinah looks into my eyes with nothing but love and adoration "Dinah would it be ok if I kissed you" I whispered timidly. She smiles and nods. I cupped her face and slowly brought my lips to hers. The moment our lips touched sparks went through my body and my heart beat out of my chest. I've never felt this way about anyone the way I feel about Dinah. She honestly makes me so happy.

She pecks my lips a few times before pulling away completely "Lauren would you maybe like to go on a date with me on Saturday" she asked as she played with her fingers "I would love to." Dinah grins happily as she kissed my cheek multiple times "thank you Lauren! You just made me the happiest girl ever!" I giggled "well I'm glad I could help" I said.

Dinah's smile fell slightly "Lauren can I uh ask you a question?" I nodded "how come you and your mom don't...you know...look alike" she asked. I sighed I knew she would ask that question eventually "my mom says they I get my looks from my dad. So I guess that's why I have dark hair instead of blonde hair." I shrugged "I'm not sure though. She doesn't like to talk about it" I said. Dinah kissed my cheek "ok I was just wondering." The bell rang and we packed up our things and headed to our fifth period class.

A/N: Song- Beautiful With You by Halestorm.

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