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Today I'm going over to my friend Camila's house because she wants to hang out. I pulled into her driveway and parked my car before getting out and walking up to the front door. I didn't bother knocking because I'm here all the time and her family loves me.

I ran up the stairs and was immediately greeted by Camila "hey Camz" I said with a smile "hey Lauren. Let's go to my room because I'm cousin Dinah's coming to stay with us and I'm really not in the mood to talk to her" she says. I decided not to ask questions and just decided to follow her. For some reason Camila never liked her cousin, for some reason she's always had something against her cousin and I'm not sure why exactly.

"Lauren come check this video out" Camila said as she pulled out her laptop.

I shrugged my shoulders as I climbed on the bed and proceeded to watch a video of a cat disobeying its owner and knocking something down. A giggled escaped my mouth as I continued watching the video "so did you like it" she asked.

Before I could answer the door flew open and in walked probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She was tall, tan and had the most beautiful golden brown eyes that I've ever seen. I was completely awe struck by her.

"Hey Mila" the girl said happily, taking a seat at the edge of the bed.

Camila huffed and rolled her eyes "Dinah go away! Can't you see that I have a guest over" she spat. Dinah's smile fades away as she lowered her gaze to her lap "oh yeah of course" she mutters sadly. I felt so bad for her "Camz c'mon let her stay. It's not that big of a deal" I said. Camila glares at me "no Lauren I'm not letting that annoying little girl hangout with us" she growls. I looked over at Dinah and she looks so hurt "uh it's ok I'll uh I'll find something else to do" she mutters as she walked out of the room.

I looked at Camila and shook my head in disappointment "Camila you didn't have to be rude to her, she just wanted to hang out with you" I said. Camila rolls her eyes "Lauren you're supposed to be on my side! I'm your best friend not Dinah's!" I scuffed "just because you're my best friend does not mean I'm not going to call you out on your bullshit" I stated as I stood up from the bed "call me when you're not acting like a child." I grabbed my phone and walked out of her room, down the stairs and out of the front door. I can't believe she was so rude to Dinah.


The next day I decided to go check on Camila since I haven't heard from her since yesterday. Yes I was mad at how she was acting towards Dinah but that doesn't mean that she's not my best friend anymore. I parked my car and turned off the ignition before jumping out and walking towards the house.

Walking inside I was immediately greeted by Dinah "if you're looking for Camila she went out. You're willing to wait if you want" she tells me shyly "ok" I said, taking a seat next to her on the couch "so how long are you staying with Camila" I asked. Dinah frowns "uh forever. My parents um kicked me out and well auntie Sinu and Alejandro were the only ones who would take me in" she says, sadness laced in her voice.

My heart broke for her "why would they kick you out" I asked. Dinah bows her head "uh they kicked me out because...well...I'm gay." Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, like she was ashamed to tell me that she was gay. Like she thought I would look at her different because she was attracted to the same gender.

I reached over and took her hand in mine "Dinah I'm not going to judge just because you like the same sex, I'm not that kind of person" I told. Tears formed in Dinah's eyes as she pulled me into a tight hug "you have no idea how much hearing that means to me" she mumbles into my neck. I didn't say anything I just hugged back because I do know how if feels to not be accepted. I understand what Dinah is going through, better than I would like to admit.

I pulled away from Dinah and wiped away her tears "Dinah if you ever need anyone to talk to you can come to me. I'm not going to judge you." She smiles at me "thank you Lauren, that means a lot to me" she says. A small grin appeared on my lips as I pulled in her for another hug.

The sound of the door slamming shut caused us to jump apart. I looked up and saw Camila standing there with a scowl etched on her face "Lauren what are you doing" she asked. I sighed "I was just comforting Dinah because she was upset" I said rolling my eyes at her ridiculous attitude towards Dinah. Camila glares at Dinah once more before dragging me up to her room.

Camila slams her bedroom door and locks it before turning to me "Lauren stay away from her. Dinah is nothing but bad news." I furrowed my eyebrows at her "why do you hate Dinah so much? What did she ever do to you" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I just don't like her. Why does there need to be a reason for my hatred towards Dinah" Camila argues.

I ran a hand through my hair "Camila there has to be some reason why you don't like her" I stated "like what did she do that made you hate her because honestly I'm lost." Camila let out an annoyed groan "can we stop talking about Dinah. I want to spend time with my best friend and I don't want to spend it talking about her" she mutters in annoyance.

I sighed and decided to give in "fine let's talk about something else." Camila smiles as she pulled me over to her bed and began talking about something to do with Austin asking her out. To be honest I wasn't really paying attention my mind kept going back to reasons why Camila doesn't like Dinah. Like what did she do to make Camila absolutely despise her? One way or another I'm going to find out why Camila hates her.

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