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After what Camila had Arianna do to Dinah the girls and I have become very distant with her. She's changing and none of us like this new Camila. This Camila is not the same bubbly fun girl that we became friends with. No this Camila is a mean vindictive person that none of us like. It's been a week since the incident with Dinah and Camila has made no effort in apologizing to her own cousin. It's so sad to see the girl that I once called my best friend turn into this mean heartless person. It breaks my heart.

It's Friday, instead of picking up Camila I'm picking up Dinah. After everything that went down Camila has stopped carpooling with me and started going with Arianna and Zendaya. It's really sad how she would rather hangout with the popular girls that don't care about her instead of her friends that have been by her side through everything. Shows how much she cares about our friendship. I pulled into the Cabello's driveway and honked twice. The door opens and out walks Dinah "good morning LoLo" she greets happily "morning babe. I brought you a coffee." Dinah grins widely as she takes her drink from me "thanks Lo" she said, kissing my cheek. My cheeks heated up as I muttered a small 'you're welcome' before driving off.

The car ride to school was silent but it was a comfortable silence. Every now and again I would glance over at Dinah. Even though she's trying to act like none of this bothers her I can tell by the look in her eyes that she's hurt. Broken over what Camila did to her. It makes my heart ache to see such a beautiful girl look so hurt and broken all the time. I need to find away to cheer her up. And I think I know how.

"Hey DJ would you like to maybe spend the night at my house tonight" I asked, stepping out of the car.

Dinah's big brown eyes lit up with excitement "yeah I would love to" she answered happily. I giggled because honestly she's so cute when she's happy. Moments like these are the ones I cherish the most. Dinah deserves nothing but happiness and I'm going to make it my goal in life to assure that she is always happy because she honestly deserves it.


During lunch I decided to drag Dinah with me to the library because I needed to check out a few new books. I would usually take Camila with me because she shared the same love for books as I do but since we're not on speaking terms I decided to bring Dinah with me.

"But Lauren I already told I don't like to read" Dinah whines.

I rolled my eyes "yes I know but please give this book a chance, it's really good."

Dinah sighs heavily "ok ok fine I'll give it a chance" she gives in. I smiled as I brought her into a tight hug "I promise you won't regret it" I tell her. Dinah just rolls her eyes "I better not" she mumbles.

After checking out our books we headed towards the cafeteria to meet up with Ally and Normani. Unfortunately when we walked in we bumped into Camila and her gang of mean girls "hey Lauren, Dinah it's funny running into you here" she says with a fake smile. I roll my eyes "whatever Camila we don't have time for your childish games" I spat as I shoved past her.

"Yeah just like how your parents don't have time for you or is it the fact that they're ashamed to have a daughter who's a freak" Camila yells.

My blood ran cold and I sent Camila an intense glare "Camila please don't do this" I pleaded. I knew that we weren't very friendly at the moment but I would hope that she would not out my secret to the whole school.

Camila just smirks "please what Lauren. Do you not want people to know about your secret" she asked "do you not want people to know about the heart shaped marks on the palms of your hands that you cover up with make up or do you not want people to know about that fact that you have these freaky plant powers and you can talk to animals!"

My heart sank into my stomach when she told everyone about the marks on my hands and the fact that I can control plants and talk to animals. I can't believe she just outed me. I can not believe that the person I used to tell everything to just completely broke my trust and told everyone my darkest secret. I don't want to believe it, but unfortunately I can and that's sad. Before anyone could say anything I ran out of the cafeteria, tears stinging my eyes as they fell down my cheeks.

I sat down in the garden with tears running down my face. I can't believe Camila, the girl that was my best friend just completely told everyone about my secret. I looked down at my hands and stared intently at the heart shaped marks on my palms. I squeezed my eyes shut. I just wish I was born like this. Why did I have to be born like this? Why am I such a freak!?


The sound of her voice brought me out of my thoughts. I turned around and locked eyes with the brown eyed girl that I was slowly falling for "hey Dinah" I said nervously "hi." She walked over to me and taking a seat next to me "this garden is beautiful. Did you do all of this?" I nodded "yeah I came out here everyday for nine weeks just to get it perfect" I told her with a small giggle.

Dinah turns her body towards me "you know I've always wanted a garden" she starts "but unfortunately for me everything I planted always dies!" I laughed "don't worry I'll help you. We can start after school" I suggested. Dinah smiles as she pulls me in for a hug "thanks LoLo!" A wide smile made its way on my lips as I hugged her back.

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